Internship for Finance Banking & Business Management Students

  • Mandarine speaker
  • To provide professional financial advice and solution to the customer
  • Learn how to communicate with customers, follow up cases and after sales services.
  • To protect customer from fraudulent practices
  • To build a strong, long term relationship with each client by being a good listener who offers suitable financial solution
  • Work in an young, energetic & dynamic team.

Job Highlights

  • Friendly, Energetic, Strong teamwork and fun working environment
  • Attractive career program and high performance reward
  • Constant learning culture


  • Required language(s): Mandarine
  • Able to speak dialects will be an added advantage

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Malaysia?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Finance Role?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Do you possess or have access to your own transportation?

Company profile

Company Logo for SP & SL Privilege Consultancy
Consulting ServicesNot specified

Over the past 15 years until now, we always leading in financial services industry in Southern Region Malaysia.

For more than 86 MDRTs have been produced and most of our members are earning at least RM10,000 & above.

Despite from focusing on personal achievements, we also concentrate on Team development to ensure our business sustainability making sure our prosperity wealth and health in our life circle.

Company information

Registration No.202203080305

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To help fast track investigation, please include here any other relevant details that prompted you to report this job ad as fraudulent / misleading / discriminatory.
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