data analyst - Mobile Game

  • Have good knowledge in online table game
  • Apply data analytic skills to improve game-play fairness for our video game.           
  • Differentiate the normal and suspicious account for pc and mobile game play users           
  • Investigate the players who are involved in abusing content to maintain the fair game           
  • Study the trend and make reports through gaming data           
  • Data Cleaning - Ensure the quality of data by filtering, handling missing values, and correcting errors
  • Data Analysis - Use statistical tools and techniques to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in the data. 
  • Reporting - Prepares reports of findings
    Documentation - Data analysts create documentation so that stakeholders can understand the data analysis process and replicate it if needed           

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Malaysia?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a data analyst?
  • Which of the following data visualisation tools are you experienced with?
  • Which of the following languages are you fluent in?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?

Company profile

Company Logo for Zempot Malaysia
Computer Software & Networking11-50 employees

ZEMPOT MALAYSIA SDN BHD is a newly branched sister company from the South Korean top 5 video gaming company. Our company slogan is "JUST FOR FUN" which emphasizes our working environment. We are currently looking for fun new colleagues to join us in our adventure to conquer the South East Asian market in terms of video game data analysis.

Company information

Registration No.202001015713

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