Purchasing Executive

  • Responsible to source, negotiate and purchase materials from both local and oversea vendors
  • Coordinate with supplier in term of cost, quality, and delivery
  • In charge of daily operational purchasing needs such as planning, issuing and following up on Purchase Orders delivery and shipment schedules
  • Resolve material supply, quality, service and invoicing issues with vendors
  • Evaluate supplier performance and ensure all the criteria are met according to the organizational requirements and expectations
  • Assist in development and implementation of purchasing contract, policies and procedures
  • Ensure proper control of inventory and maintain appropriate stock level in specified warehouse
  • In charge of month end closing
  • Resolve vendor or contractor grievances and claim against suppliers
  • Plan and conduct supplier audit periodically
  • Prepare documents/reports in line with Government authority (import, SST and any other applicable rulings) requirements, ISO/FSSC requirement and other documentations
  • Undertake any other ad-hoc duties as assigned
  • To assist Assistant Manager/Manager (SCM) in carrying out his/her functions
  • Other responsibilities as assigned by superior

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Purchasing Executive?
  • How many years' experience do you have in supply chain management (SCM)?
  • Are you willing to undergo a pre-employment background check?

Company profile

Company Logo for Kewpie
Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics51-100 employees

A Japanese mayonnaise, dressing and other egg based products manufacturer certified HALAL by JAKIM with the primary objective is to deliver products that are selamat,suci and sedap to people of Malaysia as well as to world.

We are selling our products to Retailers and Food Services (e.g. hotels, restaurants , cafe, etc). In 2010, we started manufacturing and sales in Malaysia. Our parent Company, KEWPIE CORPORATION was founded on 1919 in Japan. KEWPIE brand is very famous in Japan.

Perks and benefits
Miscellaneous allowance
Meal, Transport, etc

Company information

Registration No.200901016430

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