Teaching Assistant

Posted 15h ago

Job Description

  • To assist in the development of pupils’ education.
  • To assist the classroom teacher with their responsibility for the development and education of all pupils.
  • Establish constructive relationships with pupils and interact with them according to individual needs.
  • Promote the inclusion and acceptance of all pupils.
  • Encourage pupils to interact with others and engage in activities led by the teacher
  • Set challenging and demanding expectations and promote self-esteem and independence.
  • Provide feedback to pupils in relation to progress and achievement under the guidance of the teacher.
  • Create and maintain a purposeful, orderly, and supportive environment, in accordance with lesson plans and assist with the display of pupils’ work.
  • Use strategies, in liaison with the teacher, to support pupils to achieve learning goals.
  • Assist with the planning of learning activities.
  • Monitor pupils’ responses to learning activities and accurately record achievement/progress as directed.
  • Provide detailed and regular feedback to teachers on pupils’ achievement, progress, problems, etc.
  • Promote good pupil behavior, deal promptly with conflict and incidents in line with established policy, and encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own behavior.
  • Establish constructive relationships with parents/careers
  • Support teaching /senior staff with routine administration, e.g. photocopying, typing, filing, money, administration of coursework, etc.
  • Support the use of ICT in learning activities and develop pupils’ competence and independence in its use
  • Prepare, maintain and use equipment/resources required to meet the lesson plans/relevant learning activity and assist pupils in their use.
  • Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, health, safety and security, confidentiality, and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person.
  • Be aware of and support differences to ensure all pupils have equal access to opportunities to learn and develop
  • Contribute to the overall ethos/work/aims of the school.
  • Appreciate and support the role of other professionals.
  • Attend and participate in relevant meetings as required.
  • Participate in training and other learning activities and performance development as required.
  • Assist with the supervision of pupils out of lesson times, including before and after school and at lunchtime.
  • Accompany teaching staff and pupils on educational visits, trips, and out-of-school activities as required and take responsibility for a group under the supervision of the teacher


Job Requirement


  • Experience in teaching children of relevant


  • Further qualification in Education
  • Good numeracy/literacy skills
  • Training in the relevant learning strategies e.g. literacy

Knowledge & Skills

  • Effective use of ICT to support learning
  • Use of other equipment technology – video, photocopier
  • Basic understanding of child development and learning
  • Ability to self-evaluate learning needs and actively seek learning opportunities
  • Ability to relate well to children and adults
  • Work constructively as part of a team, understanding classroom roles and responsibilities and your own position within these

Personal Attributes

  • Confidence, warmth, sensitivity, reliability, and enthusiasm
  • Ability to communicate effectively with children and young people
  • Good interpersonal skills

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a teacher aide?
  • How would you rate your English language skills?
  • Are you willing to undergo a pre-employment background check?

Company profile

Company Logo for The International School of Penang
Education & Training51-100 employees

The International School of Penang (Uplands) was founded in 1955 and is one of the leading providers of international education to both expatriate and local students in South East Asia. It is a prestigious international boarding and day school for about 600 students from 40 nationalities between the ages of 5 and 18 years. Our programs presently include IB PYP, IB MYP, Cambridge IGCSE, and IB Diploma. Almost 80% of our teachers are expatriates.

Perks and benefits

Company information

Registration No.195501000027 (2597-V)

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