Preschool Teacher 幼教老师 / Tuition Teacher 补习老师

Job Description (Preschool):-

  • Design and follow a complete teaching plan·
  • Teach alphabet and numeracy along with personal, social and emotional skills·
  • Organize learning material and resources·
  • Use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate children’s abilities·
  • Maintain an open line of communication with parents and provide appropriate information·
  • Assess students’ performance and progress to ensure they are mastering the skills on regular basis·
  • Monitor children’s interactions and nurture cooperation and sharing·
  • Cooperate with administration staff·
  • Follow and comply with teaching standards and safety regulations

Job Description (Primary Tuition - SJKC):-

  • Design and follow a complete teaching plan 
  • Organize learning material and resources
  • Use a variety of activities and instructional methods to motivate and stimulate children’s abilities
  • Maintain an open line of communication with parents and provide appropriate information
  • Assess students’ performance and progress to ensure they are mastering skills on regular basis
  • Monitor children’s interactions and nurture cooperation and sharing
  • Cooperate with administration staff
  • Follow and comply with teaching standards and safety regulations


  • Proven working experience as a Primary Tuition, Preschool Teacher, Preschool Assistant or Teacher Aide·
  • Excellent knowledge of child development and the latest education theories and practices·
  • Creative and artistic teaching abilities·
  • Teaching and organization skills
  • Patience and flexibility·
  • Strong communication skills·
  • Certificate in education will be added advantage
  • Proficient in Mandarin will be added advantage
  • Fresh Graduate & Interns is encouraged to apply

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • Which of the following languages are you fluent in?

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What can I earn as a Preschool Teacher
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