Senior Executive, Technology/IT Audit

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Posted 13h ago

Job Description :

  • Plan and execute Information System and Technology audits with responsibility of ensuring the timely execution and delivery of the audits.
  • Undertake audit planning and fieldwork independently and ensure well documented audit work papers to support audit conclusion and results.
  • Prepare audit report, discuss audit findings with relevant departments and develop practical, value added recommendations to address the root cause of the observations identified.
  • Monitor and follow-up to ensure agreed improvement plans are timely implemented.


  • Degree or relevant professional qualification in Information Technology, Computer Science or Information System Auditing / Security.
  • 4+ years of information system & technology audit/ IT security experience. Experience in financial services industry and knowledge of regulatory requirements/information security standards such as RMiT and ISO27001 would be an advantage.
  • Strong attention to detail with an analytical mind and problem-solving skills, and possess strong sense of ownership in ensuring timely execution and delivery of assigned audits.
  • Good command of English with good report writing and communication skills.
  • Strong work ethic, initiative, teamwork and interpersonal skills.


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Company information

Registration No.412767-V

Employer questions

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  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?

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