Senior HR Executive / HR Executive

Job Description

  • To lead and oversee Human Resource team.
  • Familiar in full spectrum of Human Resource such as Local Recruitment, Foreign Workers Recruitment, Payroll, Income Tax, Performance Appraisal, Training etc.
  • Responsible in developing organization guideline, procedure and policies.
  • Strong knowledge in Employment Act 1955 and Industrial Relations Act 1967.
  • To plan, develop and implement Human Resource policies and procedures covering full spectrum of Human Resource functions.
  • Good leadership, people management and communication skills.
  • Able to work independently with minimal supervision.
  • Have knowledge and experience in managing foreign workers recruitment process, work permit renewal and passport renewal will be added advantage.



  • Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources, Business Administration or a related field.
  • Strong knowledge in Employment Act 1955 and Industrial Relations Act 1967.
  • At least 8 - 5 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position 

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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • Which of the following types of qualifications do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a Human Resources Executive?
  • How many years of recruitment experience do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have in Human Resources (HR)?
  • How many years of payroll experience do you have?
  • How many years' experience do you have in employee relations?

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What can I earn as a Human Resources Executive
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