Account Executive

Taiping Town Square Sdn Bhd
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Posted 14h ago
Job summary:
  • Looking for candidates available to work:
    • Monday: Afternoon, Morning
    • Tuesday: Afternoon, Morning
    • Wednesday: Afternoon, Morning
    • Thursday: Afternoon, Morning
    • Friday: Afternoon, Morning
  • 2-3 years of relevant work experience required for this role
  • Working rights required for this role
  • Expected salary: RM2,500 - RM3,200 per month
  • Immediate start available

Job responsibilities:

  1. Execute day-to-day financial transactions tasks such as daily sales tracking, prepare invoice, payment status, banking transaction etc.

  2. To liaise with relevant departments to complete the required financial tasks.

  3. To check and review on the received invoice before process the payment.

  4. To monitor the account record day-to-day.

  5. Prepare daily, monthly and yearly report for Finance Manager review purpose.

  6. Provide support to Sales Team on the credit card transaction matter.

  7. To verify on daily sales transaction with Sales Team in order to prepare the monthly sales report for commission payment purpose.

  8. Reserve fund base on others department request for business transaction and payroll purpose.


General requirements:

  1. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent training, education, and experience of Accountancy.

  2. Minimum 3 years of account management experience.

  3. Proven experience as an Account Executive, or in other sales role.

  4. Outstanding knowledge of MS Office; knowledge of CRM software (eg. Salesforce).

  5. Excellent communication/presentation skills and ability to build relationships.

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