Marketing Manager (Entertainment Industry)

Key Responsibilities

•Develop and Execute Annual Marketing Plans, including but not limited to: 


Creating and implementing social media strategies on Facebook (FB), Instagram (IG), TikTok, etc.

Promoting and managing the membership program in collaboration with the IT section.

Coordinating with mall marketing departments for event planning and advertising.

Managing mall advertising spaces and negotiating prices with landlords.

Planning and overseeing the creation of advertising materials (including content planning and designer supervision).

Designing and managing in-store promotions, including VOD touchscreen displays.

Developing and managing collaborations with external brands and organizations.

Organizing in-house events, such as the annual karaoke competition (preliminary rounds in August–September, finals in December).


Enhancing the company’s website and executing digital marketing strategies.

Planning and executing offline (print) marketing campaigns.

Planning and executing store opening events.

Managing events at existing stores, including anniversary celebrations.

Overseeing menu photoshoots and menu design creation.

Coordinating and managing anime and cosplay-related events.


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Employer questions

Your application will include the following questions:
  • Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Malaysia?
  • What's your expected monthly basic salary?
  • How many years' experience do you have as a marketing manager?
  • Do you have experience working for a start-up?
  • How many years' experience do you have in social media marketing?

Company profile

Company Logo for Persolkelly
Human Resources & Recruitment101-1,000 employees

PERSOLKELLY is one of the largest recruitment companies in Asia Pacific providing comprehensive end-to-end workforce solutions to clients. Headquartered in Singapore, the company was established in 2016 and is a joint venture between Kelly Services, Inc. and affiliates of PERSOL HOLDINGS Co. Ltd. Today, PERSOLKELLY operates more than 45 offices across 13 markets including Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. For more information, please visit

Company information

Registration No.974599-U

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