4 Simple Yet Effective Steps to Getting Promoted at Work

4 Simple Yet Effective Steps to Getting Promoted at Work
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 29 November, 2021

We work hard at our jobs. It’s only natural to desire recognition of our efforts and commitment to the job and company. For most of us, the highest form of recognition or praise would come in an envelope with an offer of a promotion. But it’s hard to get noticed, especially in big organisations. So how do you increase your chances of success?

JobStreet.com and jobsDB ran a survey in September 2016 to investigate current job promotion trends and factors. The study polled a total sample size of 10,389 employed individuals and 518 employers in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

When asked to rate activities that help determine promotions, both employers and employed individuals agreed overwhelmingly that “taking on more responsibilities” was the #1 influencing factor. Polled employers also voted “volunteering for projects” and “getting coaching/mentoring” as the top factors contributing to an employee’s chances of promotion. On the contrary, most surveyed employees seemed indifferent to it, ranking it low in importance.

Based on the top activities voted by employers as most significant in determining an employee’s promotion prospects, here are 4 simple yet highly effective steps for you to get promoted at work:

#1 Find Out What Your Boss Is Looking For

It helps to know what employers look for when evaluating promotions.  Having a good understanding of your boss’ expectations will help you focus on those key skills you need to hone, to perform at the required competency level deemed worthy of a promotion. Remember that each manager might have different expectations, so it’s always best to share your goals and ambitions with them so they’re aware and can guide you accordingly.

#2 Don’t Wait to Be Told What to Do

Based on the survey findings, employers want their team members to volunteer to take on projects. This means they want to see more initiative and less hand-holding. Taking the initiative also shows leadership skills—yet another attribute highly valued by employers. So the next time your boss announces a new project, step up and take the lead. You have to put yourself out there to get noticed.

#3 Engage in Continuous Self-improvement

Have you ever noticed how the most successful people never stop learning and improving? Maybe you’re struggling with a particular skill at work which has been holding you back. Why not learn from someone who’s mastered it? That’s what mentors are for. Ask around for recommendations or search online. You’ll find someone out there willing to share their wisdom with you.

#4 Make the Most of Training Opportunities

Continuing along the same vein as above, the more knowledge and technical expertise you acquire, the better equipped you will be to handle more responsibilities, effectively increasing your chances of getting promoted. So make the most of training opportunities offered by the company. Sure, they might be time-consuming, but that’s where organisational and time-management skills come in handy.

Needless to say, working towards a promotion requires effort and commitment, but nothing worth having comes easy. Stay focused and diligent, and you’ll get there in good time.

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Image Source : Ivy Exec

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