How to Pass a Performance Review: 10 Great Tips to Advance Your Career

How to Pass a Performance Review: 10 Great Tips to Advance Your Career
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 30 August, 2022

Are you dreading your upcoming performance review? Don't worry. You're not alone. It's never easy to analyse oneself and assess one's strengths and weaknesses. It's a great time to take a step back and see what you can still do to become better. Learning how to pass your performance review is essential to your career advancement.

What is a performance review?

A performance review or evaluation is a period in your employment where you and your employer assess your job performance. It is a process to measure your efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness within your role. Performance reviews do not specifically focus on your behaviour but target your contributions to the company and how you achieved them.

During your performance review, you may also be asked to complete a self-evaluation as part of the process. This will be accompanied by a meeting with your direct manager to further discuss the points raised. Through this, you can communicate your concerns and goals in an honest discussion. Your performance review is an opportunity for you to make suggestions and offer ways to improve your performance.

How often do employers conduct performance reviews?

Employers traditionally conduct annual or mid-year performance reviews. They usually set three to six months between performance reviews to help develop a structure and ensure your progress. However, recent employment trends say employees favour continuous feedback, with a more casual coaching process.

Performance reviews in Malaysia are not mandatory, but most employers conduct them as part of effectively managing employees. It helps employers determine if an employee is up for dismissal. They must ensure that their assessments are documented and justified to avoid legal issues.

Importance of getting a positive performance review

Performance reviews are a great way to track your progress. Getting constructive feedback gives you the appropriate time to find solutions in areas that need attention. It promotes communication between you and your employer to advance your career. 

How you respond to a positive performance review will help your motivation and job satisfaction. When you are motivated and satisfied with your job, you function better. Your improved performance may also open doors to a promotion or an appraisal. You can also use your performance review to discuss any upskilling or reskilling you want to pursue.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can pass your performance review and advance your career:

Before your performance review

Reflect on your performance

You will be given enough time by your employer to conduct a self-evaluation. It's important to objectively critique your work and accomplishments for the past months or years. When you reflect on your performance, you will develop a sense of self-efficacy which will help you improve your work.

Take the time to reflect on your performance and goals before your review. 

Ask yourself if you have achieved your earlier goals and areas you want to improve. Reflect on your significant contributions and struggles. You can use your employee KPIs to assess your performance and progress.


Prepare supporting documentation

Now that you have assessed yourself, give your narrative a stronger case by having supporting documents to go with it. You don't have to print out your works; an online portfolio will do. Present it in such a way that it highlights your best work during the evaluation period.


Put yourself in a positive mindset

A lot is at stake during a performance review, and it's normal to feel nervous about it. However, it's best to approach this situation calmly and professionally. You won't have to worry about anything if you keep an open mind and maintain your positive attitude throughout the process.

Remember that reviews happen for a reason. A positive mindset will help you succeed in your performance review and the rest of your career journey. It will help you perform better at work and make you a great person to work with.


Be ready with your action plan

Part of the performance review process involves setting work goals. This may include strategising future plans for the company based on your job roles and responsibilities. Don't be shy about sharing your goals and objectives and inquiring about where it fits in with the company's plans for the future.


During your performance review

Listen attentively to the feedback

Part of the review process may include the discussion of problems and challenges that you've encountered while working. It's best to approach this by owning up to your shortcomings while offering solutions to remedy the situation. Be upfront about what keeps you from doing your best work. 

Make no excuses for your mistakes and avoid blaming others. Be professional enough to accept your faults, and move on past them by focusing on improving your ways.


Take notes during the review

Many important things get raised during a review, and it's easy to forget a few points. Avoid that from happening by taking down notes. The items discussed during a review will provide helpful insights into your progress, so you should have a record of it. 

Use what was discussed during your performance review as a guide for the future. Doing so also shows your commitment to your role — a move that will leave a good impression on your evaluator.


Don't be afraid to ask questions

There may be instances where your manager says unclear or vague things. To avoid misunderstandings, speak up and ask for clarifications. You must make sure to know what is expected of you, so avoiding confusion by asking questions is the best way to go.


Leave no stone unturned

End your performance review on a good note by managing your and your manager's expectations. Make sure you are on the same page on what you hope to accomplish from the discussion. Leave no room for uncertainty by making and committing to a shared goal. 

You'll find that you'll have a much more pleasant working experience if you and your manager know and understand each other's role in the process. Follow up your performance review meeting with a summary email to have things in writing.


After your performance review

Embrace the feedback

After your performance review, study your notes and map your progress according to what was discussed. Break it into smaller, achievable tasks that you can easily monitor. You may also request a follow-up meeting with your manager if you encounter difficulties.


Strive for growth

Your employers will acknowledge your willingness to improve and take on new things on your performance review. Seek out learning opportunities to give you reinforcements for your next performance review. Commit to your action plan and continue to strive for growth. 

News of impending job performance reviews may bring in the nerves. However, you don’t have to wallow in your worries. Look at this as a chance to further expand your skills — one that will make you become a better and brighter professional and a much more valuable member of your company. When you approach it professionally and with an open mind, you'll learn to approach its value in your career journey.


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