Ask Yourself These 5 Essential Questions Before Accepting a Promotion

Ask Yourself These 5 Essential Questions Before Accepting a Promotion
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 29 November, 2021

So you’ve been working hard for your current company for some time and have even been putting in the extra effort to impress the higher-ups. One day, you hear about a senior management position in the company that they’re hoping to fill in internally. It’s a role you feel you would do well in.

Has the time finally come to take that step up? You wonder if you should speak with your supervisor and share your interest in the role.

Well, it depends… Before you put your name forward for the position, ask yourself these five crucial questions to help determine whether you’re ready.


1. Have I sufficiently mastered my current role?

Just like buildings, it’s important to have a strong foundation in your career as you move your way up. Before you start building the next level, ask yourself whether you are able to carry your current role efficiently, or even better, than your peers.

Be sure that you’ve learned all that you can at your level first, and if that’s the case, then you are ready to progress to something bigger and better.


2. Will I be able to take on the demands of this new role?

After you’ve figured out whether you can do your current job in your sleep, you’ll need to ask yourself if you’re ready to take on the demands of the new position.

Perhaps you’ve been taking on additional tasks and responsibilities beyond your job scope at the moment in hopes of preparing for the next step, or your boss has already been giving you small projects to lead because they trust in you and your capabilities.

Any new role will seem intimidating at first, but if you’re confident in your abilities to overcome the challenges that come your way, then you’re ready.


more than one way


3. Will the promotion allow me to progress my career in the direction I want? 

Rather than asking whether you are the right fit for the job, perhaps it would help to think about whether the job is the right fit for you and your career aspirations.

When climbing a mountain, there are multiple routes that can take you upwards, and what works for someone else might not work for you. With each new role that you take on, it should allow you to take on the responsibilities and learn the skills that you want to propel your career forward. So ask yourself whether this role would be the right move forward.


4. Am I able to manage others? 

Holding a management role is a completely different ball game compared to executive roles. The latter needs to be a team player, while the former should be a coach.

Are you able to capably lead a project to completion and achieve the goals set by the company? Do you have the right attitude to work out solutions to any problems you encounter? Can you bring out the best in your team? If you can answer ‘yes’ to these questions, then there’s your answer.


achieve target


5. What do I hope to achieve in this new role?

Are you happy in your current role and don’t really feel that it’s worthwhile to take on more responsibilities? Do you only want a promotion for the pay raise? Then perhaps you should reconsider whether you’re the best candidate for the promotion.

However, if you’re a go-getter with plenty of ideas for how the company can improve its performance and have been actively involved in the organisation, but your current role doesn’t really allow you to make the decisions or impact that you would like to make, then you may just be ready for the next step.

More often than not, higher-ups will be able to tell which prospective candidates have the right attitude or personality for the role. What’s important is that you let yourself shine right enough to be noticed – this is why it’s essential to keep your profile and resume on Jobstreet updated with your latest skills and achievements.

Alternatively, if you’re keen on getting a change of scene and your current place of employment doesn’t have any positions open at the moment, browse through the wide range of management jobs available on Jobstreet or have the right job opportunities tailored to you sent straight to your inbox via LiNa job alerts – who knows, you might just come across the perfect opportunity.

So after asking yourself these questions before accepting a promotion, do you think you’re ready to take that leap forwards and upwards? If so, then we wish you the best of luck!


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