Career Test: Conscientious Jobseekers Have an Edge

Career Test: Conscientious Jobseekers Have an Edge
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 29 November, 2021

We often attribute the success of people based on their intelligence. But while cognitive skills do matter and should never be undermined, is there not anything else that plays a bigger role in a person’s success?

Apparently, there is.

In his book, “How Children Succeed,” Paul Tough aims to change the basic belief that cognitive formation is the foundation of all future success. He stresses the fact that character formation is more important than anything else.

Additionally, Tough mentions that there is one important personality trait that is said to consistently lead to both personal and professional success: Conscientiousness.

What is conscientiousness?

Defined as “being thorough, careful, or vigilant”, conscientiousness is part of the “Five-Factor Model”. This model, which is also regularly used as a career test, defines the five broad dimensions used to describe human personality.

The “Five-Factor Model” includes openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN). Each of these is further composed of a range of more specific traits.

Individuals who score high in conscientiousness on a career test are expected to have the following traits:

  • Orderliness
  • Self-control
  • Industriousness
  • Responsibility
  • Traditionality
  • Dependability
  • Punctuality
  • Decisiveness

As opposed to the easy-going, disorderly and spontaneous types, conscientious people are constantly careful, efficient and organised in what they do. They have a strong “moral” compass which allows them to process everything systematically before acting or doing something.

Conscientious workers are not driven by their impulse. Their decisions often go through a rather natural process of deliberation which is why they always appear logical and thorough with every move or decision they make.

6 reasons why conscientious people are more likely to be successful in their career

1. They are better at finding jobs

Your personality and attitude towards finding a job have a lot of impact on whether or not you actually get a job. Several studies have shown a direct link between personality traits, like conscientiousness, and duration of unemployment.

According to a study by the Journal of Economic Psychology, “personality traits conscientiousness and neuroticism have a strong impact on the instantaneous probability of finding a job, where the former (conscientiousness) has a positive effect and the latter (neuroticism) has a negative effect.”

The bottom line is, individuals who have a high conscientiousness level on a career test are more likely to stay employed.

2. They are more productive in the workplace

Most conscientious people are good at getting things done. They know how to set goals; they have what it takes to reach them; and, they are persistent even amid failures and setbacks.

They are also less likely to commit any “organisational deviance” (as opposed to those with high levels of neuroticism). They have lower rates of absenteeism, tardiness and counterproductive work behaviours (like stealing and fighting with fellow employees) which makes them more productive in the workplace.

3. They have higher incomes

A study by the National Institute on Aging (2009) points to conscientiousness as the sole personality trait correlated with remarkably higher income in all industries. Indeed, research proves that conscientious people are better at finding jobs and are more productive in the workplace.

4. They are more satisfied with their jobs

Organisational behaviour studies highlight the effect of personality on satisfaction and pleasure in all aspects of life. These studies show a positive correlation between being conscientious and job satisfaction.

Conscientious workers are happier with their jobs. They are often agreeable and so they are also less likely to complain about work. Their bosses have little to complain about their work either. Since they are more productive, they are less likely to be reprimanded by their superior or boss. In fact, they are more likely to be commended and promoted.

5. They have a higher chance of getting promoted

An employee who works hard, finds satisfaction in his or her job, and avoids unnecessary conflict undoubtedly deserves a promotion. This is why conscientious people are mostly favoured at work. In fact, a study from Washington University in St. Louis reveals that when you have a conscientious spouse, you are more likely to be promoted and be more satisfied at work!

6. They are generally more successful

There is a saying that goes, “90 per cent of success is showing up.” If this is true, then it comes as no surprise that conscientious people are generally more successful. And, it is not only in their careers that they excel. Conscientiousness is a trait that benefits people far beyond their careers or jobs. Research has shown that conscientious people have happier marriages and live healthier and longer lives.

“Conscientiousness, which was the best predictor of longevity when measured in childhood, also turned out to be the best personality predictor of long life when measured in adulthood,” one study concludes.

There is no doubt that conscientiousness is a personality trait that is useful virtually anywhere. And while there are other characteristics or personality traits that can contribute to an individual’s success, it definitely helps to be conscientious – whichever way you look at it.

Have you taken the career test yet? How do you score in conscientiousness? If you think you are ready for a job, explore listings on JobStreet. Do not forget to update your profile because this is the first step for employers to get to know you. For more tips on how to excel in your career, visit the Career Resources Hub.

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