How to say congratulations on a new job

How to say congratulations on a new job
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 16 July, 2024

Landing a new job is a significant achievement in one's career. It comes after spending much time and effort looking for suitable open positions, preparing customised job applications, and attending multiple interviews. A new job marks an exciting chapter full of growth and challenges. It often involves hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Recognising this achievement validates the individual's efforts and dedication.

Offering congratulations shows that you acknowledge this professional milestone. In this article we will explain the importance of congratulating your colleague. You will also find tips on how to do so in a sincere and impactful way.

The importance of congratulating a colleague on a new job 

Let us explore the significance of conveying your best wishes to your co-workers:

Building and strengthening relationships

Your colleague may have secured their dream job at a company they have always wanted to work for. Or a friend may have switched careers and landed an exciting new job. Recognising your friend's or colleague's achievements strengthens your relationship. It shows them that you are happy for them and respect their professional journey.

End your current working relationship on a positive note when a colleague leaves the company. Saying "congrats" creates a memorable impression, which is useful for future networking. It helps in maintaining a positive rapport within professional circles. Such relationships are precious, companies fill 80% of jobs through personal and professional connections.

Encouragement and positive reinforcement

A simple gesture of recognition can significantly boost an individual's confidence and morale. It serves as positive reinforcement for their accomplishments. They feel motivated to continue working hard towards their goals.

Acknowledge their skills and achievements. This reinforces their sense of achievement and belonging. This psychological aspect of receiving congratulations validates their hard work. It strengthens their connection to the team and organisation.

How to congratulate a colleague on a new job 

Follow these two steps to convey to your colleague your best wishes for their new job:

Select an appropriate communication channel

There are several ways that you can extend your heartfelt congratulations. Choose a suitable medium that reflects your relationship and consider the recipient's preferences. Your colleague may have shared that they are leaving with a goodbye email. You could reply to that email with your warm wishes. Make sure you follow proper email etiquette.

Your friend may update their professional networking or social media profile. You can leave a comment on that post with your good luck wishes. You can send them a direct message to congratulate them on the new chapter. These methods are more suitable for a professional acquaintance or if you won't see your colleague in person.

Giving a heartfelt handwritten card might be better for a close friend or family member. Browse through different designs and choose the most fitting congratulations card. Write a meaningful and sincere message expressing your happiness for them. A great way to give your wishes to someone is to do it in person. Deliver your good luck for a new job message during an office farewell party or visit them at their workspace.

Select a communication channel based on your relationship with them. For instance, a formal email might be suited for a professional acquaintance. But a heartfelt handwritten card could be more fitting for a close friend or family member.

Craft a unique and memorable congratulations message

Personalising your message shows that you took time and effort, making it an even more thoughtful gesture. Avoid copying generic messages from the internet, as this can seem insincere. Use their name in a few places throughout the message. Use positive adjectives that describe them and that focus on their achievement.

For example, you could say that you admire how ambitious, motivated, or driven they are. Tailor the message according to their personality. For example, if they are jovial, keep the message light-hearted or even include a joke. You can also refer to your shared memories of working together to cement the relationship.

Highlight specific achievements or milestones they have reached and acknowledge any challenges they overcame. Mention details about their new job and how it suits their career path. This attention to detail ensures your message resonates with them and stands out as unique and heartfelt.

How to craft a personalised congratulatory message 

Here are three steps to creating a unique message:

1. Understand the recipient

Tailor the message to the recipient's personality, career path, and your relationship with them. For example, a message to your superior would differ from one to a co-worker on your team.

Consider their professional background, new role, and shared experiences. For instance, you might recount working together on an award-winning project or brainstorming ideas together. Make sure to keep the focus on them.

Acknowledge the specific challenges they overcame or the milestones they achieved that led to this new job. For example, they might have studied and taken exams to earn an accounting certification while working full-time. You could mention how they worked hard and even spent lunch hours preparing for the exam. Customising the message according to these individual factors personalises it and shows genuine appreciation for their effort.

Reflect on personal anecdotes or shared experiences that highlight their journey and achievements. This approach not only makes the message feel personalised but also demonstrates a deep understanding and appreciation of the recipient's journey.

2. Ensure warmth and sincerity

Two men in suits in a handshake

Show that you are genuinely happy for the person by using heartfelt language. Avoid overused or cliche phrases. The message should be authentic and sincere. Ensure this by taking the time to point out what you are congratulating them for. Keep your goal in mind to make the recipient feel valued and celebrated.

Convey genuine happiness and support for their achievement. Highlight specific details about their hard work and dedication. Remember, sincerity is key to making the recipient feel truly appreciated and special.

3. Balance professionalism and personal touch

Balancing professionalism with a personal touch is key when congratulating a professional contact. Tailor your message to the relationship: for superiors, use formal titles and language. For colleagues, a slightly relaxed tone is acceptable. Always proofread your message and correct any grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes to maintain professionalism.

At the same time, give it a personal touch. For example, you could mention specific achievements or qualities, such as leadership or teamwork, to show genuine interest. You can include humour in your message if you have a close, informal relationship with the person. This makes it more personal and memorable.

Express genuine enthusiasm with phrases like "I'm thrilled about your new role" to convey happiness for their success. This approach helps you respect professional boundaries while adding a personal touch.

Sample congratulations messages for colleagues 

Looking through example messages can give you ideas to craft your own. Here are some sample new job congratulations messages:

Congratulations message example for a co-worker

"Congratulations on your new role as Assistant Engineer at SunStar Electrics! I have truly enjoyed working with you on various projects and will miss the enthusiasm and creativity you brought to our team. Your hard work and dedication have always been inspiring, and I do not doubt that you will excel in your new position. I wish you a bright and prosperous future ahead!"

Congratulations message example for managers and supervisors

"Warmest congratulations on your new job at Fairland Manufacturing! I wish you a successful and rewarding journey ahead. Having been under your excellent leadership for the past few years, I know your new team will thrive under your guidance. Our team won't be the same without your project management expertise and strategic planning. May you enjoy continued success in your new position."

Congratulations message example for a team member

"Your can-do attitude and excellent work ethic have earned you this new opportunity. I have seen you work hard to expand your skill set and keep updated on the latest happenings in the cybersecurity field. Your determination and persistence have finally paid off, and you are on your way to a prosperous and fulfilling career! All the best for your new job journey and all the amazing things you will accomplish in your role."

Tips when writing a personal congratulatory message 

Follow these useful tips to craft a memorable and meaningful message:

Respect personal boundaries

You must respect personal boundaries when congratulating someone on their new job. Understanding the limits of your relationship with the recipient ensures your message remains appropriate and comfortable.

For example, avoid prying into personal details about their new role, such as salary and benefits. These questions may make them feel uncomfortable and strain your relationship. Instead, focus on neutral topics such as their start date or the location of their new workplace. Being mindful of these boundaries shows respect and helps maintain a positive and professional connection.

Steer clear of clichés

Using clichéd phrases and overused expressions can make the message sound unoriginal and hollow. Instead, personalise your message to make it more meaningful and memorable. Think about the individual and the qualities that make them unique. Write down positive adjectives that describe them and incorporate them into your message.

Additionally, share specific anecdotes or achievements that highlight their strengths and your genuine feelings. Think creatively and speak from the heart to ensure your congratulations are heartfelt and original.

Be mindful of tone and context

When congratulating someone, be mindful of tone and context to ensure your message is appropriate and well-received. Adjust your tone according to the type of relationship you have with the person.

For example, consider using a more formal and reserved tone when congratulating a professional acquaintance on their new job. For a close friend, keep the language informal and light-hearted to reflect your friendship. Acknowledging that their departure is bittersweet can add a personal touch.

Always ensure that the overall tone is positive. This helps convey genuine happiness for their achievement and respects the nuances of their situation.

Avoid comparisons

Do not compare your colleague's new job with your current workplace, including aspects like salary, benefits, or work culture. Comparisons can unintentionally sound jealous or dismissive of your colleague's achievement. Instead, maintain professionalism by genuinely celebrating their move and expressing excitement for their new adventure.

Additionally, avoid bad-mouthing your current workplace. Remember, it can reflect poorly on you and potentially strain your relationship with your colleague. Focus on building a positive and supportive atmosphere during this transitional period.

woman writing wearing a yellow sweater


It is essential to acknowledge and celebrate the professional achievements of your bosses, colleagues, and friends, especially when they are starting a new job. It shows that you are genuinely happy for them and strengthens your relationship. This can help you form long-term connections, which may be useful for your career journey in the future. Conveying your well wishes also fosters a culture of support and appreciation at your workplace. This can boost morale and improve productivity.


Here are answers to common questions on congratulating someone on their new job:

  1. How can I personalise a congratulatory message for someone's new job to make it more meaningful?
    To make your congratulatory message more meaningful, consider highlighting specific actions the person took to secure their new job. Mention any notable efforts, such as completing an online course or consistently networking at conferences. This will show that you recognise their hard work and determination. Additionally, include personal touches by expressing what you will miss about them, such as their enthusiasm or attention to detail. This way, you will acknowledge the qualities that made them valuable in their previous role.
  2. What are some appropriate and professional ways to congratulate a colleague on a new job?
    You can congratulate a colleague on their new job by giving them a personalised card, a thoughtful gift, an email, or a comment on their social media post. You can also congratulate your colleague face-to-face at your workplace during a farewell party or on their final days at work. This adds a personal touch to your well-wishes.
  3. Is it suitable to post a congratulatory message on social media for a friend's new job?
    Yes, it is suitable if they have shared their new position on their social media page. You can leave a general congratulatory note in the comments to show that you are celebrating this milestone with them. If your message is more personal, sending them a direct message is a better option.
  4. What should I consider when choosing a congratulatory gift for someone starting a new job?
    When you are selecting a congratulatory gift, consider personalising it to make it more memorable. Choose items that the person can use at their new workplace. It could be a custom-engraved pen, a monogrammed notebook, or a personalised coffee mug. Choose neutral colours and simple, classy designs to maintain a professional appearance. Additionally, if you decide to gift a food item, ensure it aligns with their dietary requirements and preferences. For example, if you are giving chocolates or cookies to a Muslim colleague, ensure they are halal certified. Tailoring the gift shows your thoughtfulness and consideration for their preferences and needs.
  5. Are there any cultural considerations to keep in mind when congratulating someone on their new job?
    In Malaysia, you must be mindful of cultural and religious sensitivities. Some individuals may prefer to avoid physical contact for various reasons. So, do not offer handshakes or congratulatory hugs unless you are certain they are welcome. Being culturally aware shows respect. It helps prevent any potential discomfort or awkwardness during the congratulatory exchange.

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