5 February Job Search Tips for Jobseekers to Stand Out

5 February Job Search Tips for Jobseekers to Stand Out
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 03 February, 2022

New year, new you! Does this year mark a new job for you too?

Now that the holidays are over, you might be ready for a career change. While the first months of the year may be a great time to look for a job, you are certainly in for a tight competition. Most likely, you will find yourself going up against tens or even hundreds of candidates for a single position. So, you definitely need some February job search tips to help you stand out.

Why is February a good time to apply for jobs?

For most companies, the first two months of the year is a prime time for recruitment. Organisations want to fill positions before getting a head start on achieving business plans and financial targets. The sooner they find suitable talent, the more time they have to work on other business goals. Additionally, most hirers also secure new hiring budgets for the year, encouraging them to be more aggressive in recruitment. 

How do you stand out as a February job applicant?

Since February is hiring season, what can you do to prepare to find a job? Here are some ways to make yourself noticed by recruiters.


1. Apply to fewer jobs at a given time. 

Indeed, it is tempting to apply to as many jobs as possible. You might think this is how to increase your odds of landing an interview. However, lacking focus in your job search will only bring you more harm than good. Concentrating on quantity over quality will lead to mediocre applications, decreasing your chances of getting hired. On top of that, you might end up landing a job that is not even aligned with your career goals.

Instead of sending out your resumes to multiple companies at a time, step back to identify your priorities. Focus your energy on applying to a few jobs during a particular period. Pinpoint which industries you want to work in. Eventually, narrow your list of dream roles down, considering company culture and skills match.


2. Get in touch with your network. 

Say you realise during your job search that someone you have networked with in the past can share some information about a company. February is an excellent time to reconnect with them. You might be able to know more about an industry or company that you are interested in moving to. In some cases, your contact may not help you directly, but they can nevertheless refer you to someone who is better equipped to answer your questions.

This said, remember that networking is not just about finding contacts who can help you. Instead, it is about building genuine connections with fellow professionals. As a refresher, here are some do’s and don’ts for networking and networking events. 

A vast network also offers more chances for you to send your application straight to a hiring manager instead of filling out a standard application form on the organisation’s website. If you can get a referral or connection from your network, this is the time to utilise that. 


3. Apply during the start of the month. 

In the early days of January, hirers might have been busy jumpstarting their year. Most were still gathering their bearings from the holiday break. Sending your application in the start of February gives it better chances of not getting lost in the sea of unopened emails. 

If you are sending your application via email and not through an application form, think about what will make your message stand out. Consider what will make a recruiter read your message and respond to an interview invitation. 

Don’t send a generic email; address the recruiter directly. Keep your email short, but mention your skills and experience relevant to the position you are applying for. Give a brief overview of what you can bring to the table as an employee. Remember, hirers are often busy. Give them information that would make them interested enough to know more about your profile and invite you to interview for a job. 


4. Update your CV. 

Updating your CV allows you to revisit your profile and see if any information needs to be edited. You may have picked up some new skills from the past year, or your current job role may have evolved. Review your current skill set. See if they are transferable to similar jobs or enable you to switch industries.

Aside from updating your CV with your current skill set and job description, you can include keywords relevant to 2022 trends. Don’t forget to update your Jobstreet profile too! Make sure that both your CV and Jobstreet profile highlight your relevant work experience, skill set, and achievements. 

It is a good practice to update your CV and Jobstreet profile regularly. You never know when opportunities would strike. By keeping your necessary professional documents updated, you will avoid scrambling when #JobsThatMatter to you open new roles.


5. Be prepared, and upskill. 

Since you will be going against numerous candidates for open positions, you have to be prepared for anything that could happen. You could be called by a recruiter for an interview. You might not get past the first round of an organisation’s hiring process. It could take weeks before you hear back from them. Setting your own expectations will also help you cope with these applications, especially if they do not work in your favour. 

Sometimes, recruiters will contact you for openings that you did not apply for. They may have a job opening that they think is more aligned with your skill set. Or, they might create a position based on your profile. In such cases, do not close your door to hearing more about the job. Use the initial interview to know more about the position and ask questions. You never know – this may be the job you are looking for. 

While you are actively looking for work, don’t forget to upskill! Developing your skill set and preparing for future jobs will not just prepare you for your next job. It will also ensure that your career is prepared to adapt to changes and shifts in the industry you are in.


6. Be patient. 

Finding a job takes time. It may take even longer during February because of the volume of applications and the workload of recruiters. The hiring process may be slower, so be patient and hope for the best.

February is not just about the start of the new year. If you are set on finding a job during this time, focus on working on yourself while you wait for feedback from recruiters. Use this time to improve your skill set or plan for the year ahead. This free career planner may help you map out your goals for the year. Keep yourself busy with your current job and upskill yourself. Before you know it, you are already interviewing for jobs. 


Start your year right and begin the February job search by updating your profile at Jobstreet. Search for #JobsThatMatter and find work that will bring you passion and purpose. Don’t forget to visit the Career Resources Hub for more expert tips and advice on building a career and how to improve it.

More from this category: Applying for jobs

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