Here's How To Answer Tough Interview Questions!

Here's How To Answer Tough Interview Questions!
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 29 November, 2021

You have made it! You scored that coveted final face-to-face interview, or in these pandemic times, online interview. If all goes well, a job offer is next. But first, there will be tough questions to hurdle before you cross the finish line. 

Hiring managers do not just ask those job interview questions just because they feel like it. They are after one of two things: they want to see how you handle pressure and how you think. By drawing out your answers, they learn more about you—and if you are the best fit for the company. 

There are 5 very common types of interview questions and the various ways employers like to ask them. We are here to show how you can best answer these queries! 

What kind of person are you?

These types of questions will reveal who you are in a variety of situations. Expect a range of questions like:

  • How do you deal with failure?
  • If you could change something about the past x years of your life, what would you change?
  • Describe yourself as a colour.
  • If you had a billion ringgit, what would you do?
  • What are your pet peeves?
  • How do you define success?
  • How do you stay motivated?

The rule of thumb is to be honest and forthcoming. Do not sugarcoat; be transparent and straightforward instead.

Do not forget that as you explain, you have a chance to highlight your character strength—especially when it comes to handling difficulty. Answer in a way that shows self-reflection, awareness, and your commitment to learn from failure.

What is your weakness?

Expect questions asking you about past mistakes, personal limitations, and workplace conflicts here.

Be mindful that when you are asked about past mistakes, they simply want to see what you have done about it and if you have pivoted. When answering about previous workplace conflicts, use it as an opportunity to show how introspective you are and how you turned such conflicts into an evolving character strength.

Why did you leave your previous job?

These questions are solely focused on why you are no longer with your old company, are planning to leave it, or have been jobless for some time. Any employer worth their salt wants to determine your motivations for joining the company and if something in the old company prompted your move. 

Did you get fired? Be truthful and answer what you have done since that happened. Did you resign peacefully? Explain why you wanted the shift in career, environment, or schedule.

The golden motto applies: if you cannot say anything nice about your former employer, or the people there, use as few words as possible. Never badmouth. Choose to focus on a positive aspect and how you dealt with that.

If you are between jobs and it has been a while, explain the circumstances. You could have been laid off or the company closed the branch you worked in. Be concise and explain. 

What is your work ethic?

While this can be drawn out indirectly, there are more direct ways of finding how you can fit into the company you are applying for. 

You might be asked:

  • What do you expect from a supervisor?
  • How do you manage a team of mixed-virtual and office-based personnel?
  • If you could do something at work differently, how would you do it now?

It cannot be emphasized enough but do not bring up the negatives. You might have had a challenging time with your previous boss so answer by offering what you like to experience from management: open communication, growth opportunities, creative collaborations between coworkers, and more. 

Why must I hire you?

These questions revolve around why the hiring manager should pick you over other jobseekers and how much you’re going to cost the company in terms of compensation.

Make the point that you are unique by highlighting your skills, accomplishments, and characteristics that show you as the right person for the job. 

Prior to the job interview, go over the job qualifications to see which of your core strengths and attributes are a good fit. And as you build yourself up, provide an honest answer regarding salary. Know your value and balance this with a willingness to negotiate based on benefits and retirement options. 

Get started today by making sure your Jobstreet Profile is updated with all your highlights and milestones. If you can #WorkNow, add this information to your profile. Use the revamped Jobstreet site to help you connect with the company that is right for you. And do not forget to check out our Career Resources Hub for relevant insights and updates. 


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