How to respond to "What motivated you to apply for this position?" during your job interview

How to respond to "What motivated you to apply for this position?" during your job interview
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 27 February, 2024

It's a well-known fact that interviewing for a job opening can be a daunting experience, regardless of the number of years you've been in the workforce. Some hiring managers have straightforward and standard questions. Others might ask unique and unexpected ones that can catch us by surprise. But one job interview question that often comes up during the interview process is, “What motivated you to apply for this position?” 

We can help you understand why employers ask this interview question, tell you some sample answers, and offer some helpful advice on how to give a response that will impress your hiring manager. We'll tackle the following topics in this guide:

Why do employers ask, “What motivated you to apply for this position?" 

“What motivated you to apply for this ​role​​​?” is an insightful question that helps the employer learn what inspires and drives you to success. Sometimes they also want to know about your current position or your last job. Your answer offers additional insight into your personality and approach to work. You have to give a great answer that motivates you in a way that wins the interview and doesn't repeat the mistakes you made in your last job. For example, if you are looking for a call ​centre job, you must have excellent customer service experience​,​ and when the hiring manager asks you such a question, you can give a clear answer. On a more practical level, this question helps the interviewer determine several things about you, such as:

  • You understand the job and its responsibilities.
  • You have clear career goals that align with the company's goals, mission, and vision.
  • You're a good fit with the company's culture.
  • You're capable of committing to the company in the long term.
  • You are genuinely interested in the company and the role you're applying for. 

How to answer “What motivated you to apply for this position?” 

The key to doing well in job interviews is to arrive prepared and informed. Doing some preparatory research work can increase your knowledge of the company, and improve your skill set for the role you're pursuing, the industry the company operates in, and industry best practices from your personal experience. 

Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Research the company you're applying to. A deep understanding of the company can help you establish a connection with your professional goals.
  2. Review and understand the job description and align this with your expertise and accomplishments in your previous jobs and projects ahead. The best interview answers show that you have the relevant work experience to fulfil​​ the expectations of the job.
  3. Conduct industry research so you're up to date with recent news and developments relevant to the job. 

Examples of how to answer "What motivates you?" 

To help brainstorm a great answer to this question, we've put together a few examples of sample answers that you can use as a starting point:

  • “I'm motivated by opportunities for continuous learning and growth.” This response tells your employer that you're open to gaining new skills and expertise that can contribute to the company's success.
  • “I'm motivated by collaboration with people who have the same goals and values as me.” This response shows that you are the right candidate​,​ the company culture matters to you​,​ and you value working environments where people engage and are productive. You can use this response while applying for a sales job.
  • “I'm motivated by making a difference and having a positive impact on others.” This response speaks of your altruistic side and shows your real passion and commitment to giving quality work. 

Tips for answering the "What motivated you to apply for this position?" interview question 

If you're looking for more career advice, here are some tips and best practices that can help you come up with good and honest answers to the question. You may also find that you can use these career advice and tips for other interview questions in the recruitment process.

  • Prepare a list of key points rather than a specific response so your answer doesn't sound too rehearsed for the specific job.
  • Whether it's a meeting with a client, a complex project wrangled into submission, a new skill you mastered, or anything else, keep these positive moments in mind when conceptuali​​​s​ing your answer.
  • Keep responses brief and straight to the point with all the essential information you need, and avoid unnecessary or irrelevant details.
  • Focus on constantly growing and ​keep your replies​​​ positive.
  • Find a way to tie your responses to the company's mission and vision and how these align with your professional values.
  • Highlight specific elements of the job description that align with your current career path, work style, and past experiences.
  • Be comfortable in talking about yourself and sharing personal life experiences in the interview, especially if they show a connection to why you want the job. 
Man in a suit during an interview with a woman


How much you prepare for an interview can make or break the interview experience. As mentioned earlier, researching the company and role, along with common interview questions, can help you prepare for your next interview. This can help boost your confidence, allowing you to answer tough questions with ease. Incorporating helpful tips into your interview can help build your confidence for answering "What motivated you to apply for this position?" during your interview and other compelling job interview questions. 


  1. What are common mistakes to avoid when answering this question? 
    ⁠Some mistakes to avoid when answering this question in an interview are: 

    Generic responses: Recruiters look for the best answers personali​s​ed to the company or those based on your personal experiences. 

    Responses that don't reflect the company's vision: The hiring manager will always try to find a connection to the company. A lack of a connection could indicate that you didn't research the company you're applying for. 

    Responses that focus on compensation and benefits: ​ Your interview responses should be focused on highlighting your attributes and strengths and emphasising your interest in the position. Responses that focus on compensation and benefits can be off putting to the interviewer and send the message that you’re more interested in the salary than the position and long-term growth with the company.​
    Complicated or drawn-out responses: Complex answers or those that drift from the question are hard to follow and show a lack of clarity in your thought process.  

    Lack of enthusiasm in your delivery: Find a balance that shows the interviewer your excitement for the job opportunity while maintaining an air of professionalism. 
  2. What are the key elements of a strong response to “What motivated you to apply for this position?” 
    ⁠The key elements of a strong response to this question are sincerity, clarity, and confidence. Avoid exaggerated responses and stick with an honest answer for why you wanted to apply for the position. Answer clearly and concisely, and refrain from giving complicated responses that don't directly answer the question. Be confident with your answer to demonstrate your preparedness for the job interview. 
  3. How can I tailor my response to stand out from other candidates? 
    ⁠The best way to deliver a unique response in an interview is to pull from your personal experiences. Responding based on what you know and what you've been through can stand out among more generic or safe answers to this question. Hiring managers appreciate unique answers because they help them understand not only your values as an employee but also as a person. 

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