How to showcase computer skills on your resume

How to showcase computer skills on your resume
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 27 June, 2024

Solid computer skills have become a non-negotiable for personal and professional growth. Computer skills cover a wide range of abilities that let you use computers and related technologies effectively. This includes using software applications, intermediate computer skills, and even programming languages, depending on your job.  

This blog post is your guide to the essential computer skills that employers in Malaysia are looking for. We'll also provide tips on how to improve these skills and include them on a resume. 

What computer skills do employers look for? 

Employers in Malaysia are casting a wide net when it comes to the computer skills they're after. It's not just about the technical stuff – communication and teamwork are high on their list, too. 

Tech is a broad field, so let's break it down. You've got programming languages like Java, Python, and C++, the building blocks for software development. Then there are operating systems like Windows and macOS, which are the bread and butter for system administration and tech support. 

And don't forget about software applications. These are the nuts and bolts of many industries. Business apps include specialised tools like customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. 

Plus, with tech moving as fast as it is, developing hardware skills can give you a real edge. 

But here's the thing: technical and hardware skills are just part of the equation. The other half, the soft skills, are what can set you apart. Take communication, for example. Being able to get your point across is a game-changer. Then there's teamwork, problem-solving, time management, and more. 

It's a lot to juggle, but nailing these skills will make you a force to be reckoned with on the job market. 

Now, let's talk about industry-specific skills. These are the ones that can make you stand out in your field. 

For example, in finance, having a handle on financial software and data analysis tools is a huge plus. In healthcare, it's all about being savvy with electronic health records (EHR) systems. In manufacturing, knowledge of computer-aided design (CAD) software gives you an edge. In marketing, you’d want to know how to use content management systems (CMS). 

The world is changing, and it's changing fast. New technologies are popping up all the time. If you're up to speed on them, you're showing that you're ready to take on whatever the future throws your way. 

Computer skills examples to include in your resume 

Here's a peek at some in-demand computer skills in Malaysia. Learn why they matter and find resources to level up your game. 

Operating systems (Windows, MacOS) 

Operating systems are the software that manages a computer's hardware. They also provide a user interface for interacting with the device. Expertise in popular computer systems is crucial. 

  • Windows: With Windows being the go-to for most of the world, having a solid grasp of it is often a job requirement. You need to have a range of skills, from managing files to installing software and keeping things secure. Need a hand with learning these computer programs? Microsoft's got your back
  • macOS: macOS mastery is a key asset for roles involving Mac computers. It's all about nailing the user interface, file wizardry, software smarts, and problem-solving. Ready to level up your macOS game? Dive in here

Office suites (Microsoft Office, G Suite) 

An office suite is a collection of software applications commonly used for work. These suites include word processing tools, spreadsheets, presentations, and email programs, among others.  

Impress your hiring manager by getting the computer skills needed in your target role. Check out these courses: 

  • Microsoft Office Suite: This is the big kahuna of productivity tools. It includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. If you're eyeing an office-based role, you'll want to get cosy with these applications. Dive into Microsoft Office
  • Google Workspace: Google Workspace is a cloud-based productivity suite. It includes applications such as Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and Slides. It offers real-time collaboration and integration with other Google services. Get started with Google Workspace

Presentation software skills 

With basic computer skills in presentation software, you can make visual aids for oral presentations. This software includes tools for designing slides and incorporating animations. These are useful for activities like business meetings, sales pitches, and training. 

  • MS PowerPoint: Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular presentation software developed by Microsoft. It lets you create visually appealing presentations using slides, images, videos, and animations. It also provides templates and themes so you can customise your presentations. Learn MS PowerPoint here
  • Google Slides: Google Slides a free cloud-based presentation software that offers similar features to PowerPoint. It lets you collaborate with others in real-time and allows for seamless integration with other Google tools. Mastering Google Slides will make you a presentation star. 

Microsoft Excel skills 

Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet programme for organising and analysing data. It allows you to create complex spreadsheets with formulas, charts, and graphs to present data. 

Excel proficiency is sought after in many industries. It's especially useful in finance, accounting, marketing, and data analysis. 

Gain basic computer skills in Microsoft Excel by taking courses like: 

Communication and collaboration tools 

Communication and collaboration tools ease communication and teamwork in the workplace. 

These tools let you and your team share ideas and work together on projects. And you can do all these even when you're not sitting in the same workplace!  

You'll likely work with several types of communication and collaboration tools. Get the right computer skills with the following tools: 

  • Email makes it easy for coworkers to write to each other quickly. It also helps share information smoothly and facilitates teamwork in work groups. The most popular email programs are Gmail and Outlook. Master them with these Gmail and Outlook courses. 
  • Video conferencing tools like Zoom and Teams are great for when you can't meet your team in person. They're perfect for things like catch-ups, interviews, and virtual training. Head over to the Zoom Learning Center or start your MS Teams training today
  • Project management software includes Asana or ClickUp. Use them for file management, delegation, and progress tracking. Start learning by visiting Asana Academy and ClickUp University
  • Instant messaging platforms like Slack provide a means for real-time communication. Slack offers plenty of tutorials to help you become an A-player. 

Social media skills 

Taking a photo of food for social media

Social media platforms let you exchange information and ideas with others. This can include platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. 

Social media skills are relevant for roles in marketing, public relations, and communications. These skills are also important for businesses seeking to build an online presence. 

To gain basic computer skills in key social media platforms, check out resources like: 

Programming skills 

Programming is the process of designing, writing, and maintaining computer programmes. It involves using specific languages and tools to create software and apps. With programming skills, you can create software, automate tasks, and analyse data. 

Top computer skills in programming are relevant for software developers, data analysts, and related roles. 

You can learn basic and advanced skills in programming through online resources, such as: 

Graphic design skills 

Graphic design involves creating visual content using various digital tools and software. With graphic design skills, you can create graphics for marketing and business materials. 

Graphic design professionals in these industries use tools like: 

  • Piktochart: This graphic design software is Malaysian-built. Piktochart makes it easy for beginners to create stunning reports, presentations, and infographics. Unleash your creativity, starting with Piktochart's tutorials
  • Adobe Creative Suite: This creative powerhouse includes Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Premiere Pro. It's the go-to for designers, photographers, and video editors. Ready to master Adobe Creative Suite? Start here
  • Canva: Canva lets you create professional-looking graphics and designs. You don't need to be an experienced designer to use it. Start learning Canva today. 

Basic internet skills 

Using the internet to find and organise information is a necessary skill. These skills are useful in pretty much any job because the internet is a big part of how we work nowadays. 

Improve your digital and computer literacy skills through the following courses: 

Computing skills 

Having good computing skills means you know how to use computers and software like a pro. This includes simple tasks like typing and formatting documents. It can also involve complex work like coding, analysing data, and troubleshooting.  

Computing skills also encompass programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Python, and Java. 

Start learning essential software skills through: 

Data visualisation skills 

Data visualisation skills are the ability to present data in a visual format, such as graphs, charts, and infographics. This skill helps you communicate information and insights to colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. 

Some resources that can help you develop data visualisation skills include: 

Cloud management skills 

Cloud management is controlling the usage of cloud computing resources. This includes managing the allocation of resources, tracking performance, and maintaining security. 

Many organisations use cloud computing to store and access data and applications. As such, having cloud management skills is becoming relevant in the workplace. These skills are useful in data science, project management, and cybersecurity. 

Most cloud providers offer courses that give you the computer skills required for cloud management. Check out, for example: 

Database management skills 

Database management skills involve organising data securely and efficiently. This skill is relevant in any workplace that deals with large amounts of data. Think IT companies, financial institutions, healthcare organisations, and government agencies. 

Some relevant job roles include database administrators, data analysts, and data scientists. 

Email skills 

Email skills refer to the ability to communicate and manage information through email. This includes composing clear emails, using appropriate email etiquette, and organising email accounts. 

In the workplace, email skills are relevant in almost every industry and job role. It's used for sending documents, setting up meetings, and communicating with others via computer software. 

You can learn email skills through a variety of resources, including: 

Computer skill list examples for your resume 

 A hiring manager interviewing a job applicant

A job description will typically list specific computer skills and common software skills needed in a role. Don’t stop at listing computer skills, though. Give your hiring manager context by explaining how you used your technical prowess to boost your company’s performance. 

You can check out resume templates to find examples of how to provide such context. You can also read on to learn how to show off your software chops in the skills section of your resume. 

Showcasing technical skills on a resume 

Get noticed by hiring managers by the results you’ve achieved with your relevant computer skills. For instance, a computer scientist might explain how they used machine learning to solve a critical business problem. 

Here are examples of bullet points that showcase common computer skills on a resume: 

  • Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook 
  • Experienced in creating complex spreadsheets and utilising advanced functions in Excel 
  • Skilled in creating presentations with animations and transitions in PowerPoint 
  • Proficient in formatting documents and creating templates in Microsoft Word 
  • Experienced in using Outlook for email management, scheduling, and task tracking 
  • Familiar with Microsoft Access for database management and data analysis 

Adding soft skills to your resume 

You need to show how you combine your advanced computer skills with soft skills to achieve stellar results. For example, explain how you used your knowledge of enterprise systems, along with leadership and time management, to oversee a project. 

Consider these examples of bullet points that showcase soft skills on a resume: 

  • Demonstrated attention to detail in data entry using spreadsheets and word processing software, resulting in error-free records and reports. 
  • Communicated with team members and clients to gather and clarify project requirements. This contributed to successful, on-time project completion. 
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and resolve software issues. Communicated progress and solutions. 
  • Used online collaboration platforms such as Slack and Trello to delegate tasks within a remote team. This contributed to a 25% increase in project efficiency. 
  • Coordinated virtual brainstorming sessions with team members from different time zones. 

Explaining industry-specific skills on a resume 

Tailor your resume to the job ad requirements by providing industry-specific skills. For example, content marketers would include content strategy, search engine optimisation, and advanced computer writing skills.  

Here are some example bullet points that showcase industry-specific skills on a resume: 

  • Developed complex financial models in Excel to forecast market trends. Guided strategic financial planning. 
  • Managed and reconciled accounts using accounting software for a leading accounting firm. 
  • Conducted market research using Nielsen and Euromonitor to inform marketing strategies. 
  • Used AI-assisted web development tools like GitHub CoPilot to build and test code and ship new features quickly. 
  • Oversaw the successful implementation of a new electronic medical records system for a large hospital. 

Listing certifications and training on a resume 

Prove your technical expertise with certifications recognised by your industry. For example, these bullet points showcase certifications and training on a resume: 

  • Completed Microsoft Office Specialist certification in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Demonstrated advanced proficiency in creating and formatting documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. 
  • Completed Google Analytics certification. Demonstrated expertise in analysing website traffic data and making data-driven decisions. 
  • Completed Hootsuite Social Media Marketing Certification. Demonstrated skill in managing and scheduling social media content across many platforms 
  • Trained in Adobe Creative Suite. Showcased skill in creating appealing graphics and designs for social media posts. 
  • Received CompTIA A+ certification. Showcased knowledge and skills in computer hardware and software troubleshooting and maintenance. 

Conclusion: Master computer skills important in this day and age 

Computer proficiency boosts your chances of career success in today’s job market. By improving your technical know-how, you're making yourself more employable. And when you show your best computer skills on your resume, you're sure to catch the eye of potential employers. 

You need to be a lifelong learner, not just to fulfil a job description but also to stay relevant. It’s not about hoarding new skills for your resume. It's about thriving in a world that's all about the next big thing. 

So, roll up your sleeves, invest in your computer skills today, and seize opportunities waiting for you in the Malaysian job market. 


  1. What computer skills should I list on my resume? 
    ⁠When you're listing your computer skills on your resume, think about the skills that are popular right now, and that match the job you're after. Personalise your resume to the industry and the role. Don't forget to mention software suites, operating systems, and any other tech tools you're good at. 
  2. How do I go about picking up new computer skills? 
    ⁠There's a wealth of resources out there to help you level up your tech game. Online platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy have courses on everything from coding to data analysis. Plus, many software companies offer tutorials and documentation. So, consider signing up for a course or diving into an industry blog to sharpen your skills. 
  3. What are the most valuable computer certifications? 
    ⁠The value of computer certifications varies depending on the industry and job role. Some widely recognised and respected certifications include: 
    ⁠-CompTIA A+ certification for IT professionals 
    ⁠-Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification for proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite 
    ⁠-Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification for networking professionals 
    ⁠-Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification for cybersecurity professionals 
    ⁠-MySQL Certification for MySQL database management 
  4. How can I improve my soft skills related to computer use? 
    ⁠To level up your soft skills, you'll want to sharpen your problem-solving and attention to detail. You must also practise clear communication and empathetic teamwork. Train your brain with activities that make you think, like puzzles or strategy games. Join projects to develop your collaboration and communication skills. 
  5. How can I keep up with the latest computer skills and technologies? 
    ⁠To keep up with the ever-changing world of computer skills and technology, here are a few tips: 
    ⁠-Enrol in online courses or certification programmes to boost your skills and knowledge. 
    ⁠-Follow industry blogs, websites, and social media accounts. Stay in the know. 
    ⁠-Attend industry conferences and workshops to learn about the latest tech trends. 

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