7 Practical Tips to Explain Why You Are Rescheduling a Job Interview

7 Practical Tips to Explain Why You Are Rescheduling a Job Interview
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 02 March, 2023

Do you know how bad it is not to show up for a job interview? You may get blacklisted! Likely, your future job application with the company would get rejected. Worse, other companies might hear about your interview no-show and automatically decline your application.

If you want your future employer to take you seriously, best start with a good impression. While schedules will sometimes make it difficult to follow the application process, being candid about your availability is a good thing to practice.

During the first 10 months of 2022, job vacancies peaked at 412,200, meaning the job market continuously expands. In light of this, jobseekers have sent out applications left and right. With a high volume of candidates, it doesn’t come as a surprise that being a no-show to interviews is becoming a trend

To retain a clean track record and sustain a working relationship with employers, having a good reason to reschedule interviews is better than leaving the company in the dark. 

How To Reschedule An Interview Professionally

1. Reach out immediately 

Is it okay to reschedule an interview? Mostly, it is. But do keep in mind that you must reach out to the hiring manager as soon as you learn that you need to take a rain check. Rescheduling an interview requires the recruitment officer to recheck everybody’s availability, which complicates a company’s daily operations. So, to leave a good impression on your future employer, avoid beating around the bush and inform them immediately of your situation. This way, the necessary preparations can be made. 


2. Be straightforward

Don’t be vague with your intentions. State your need to reschedule the interview in the first two lines of your email so the employer will know immediately. Getting to the point of your email early shows that you respect their time and provides them with less hassle. Also, avoid emphasising how busy you are. Rather, highlight how much you want to reschedule the job interview on a more available date.


3. Tell them the reason for rescheduling your interview

To seem more respectful, consider providing your reasons. The company will most likely understand since we are all bombarded with conflicting schedules, unexpected health issues, and family emergencies, among other things. You don’t have to go into full detail about why you cannot attend the original schedule. You can just provide a one-liner descriptor, giving the employer some context. Giving your reason for rescheduling your interview will also reinstate the idea that you’re not rescheduling for an unreasonable cause.

(Read more: Transparency in the Workplace: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?)


4. Sincerely apologise for the inconvenience 

Don’t forget to express your regret for having to reschedule the interview. As mentioned earlier, this change will alter the company’s daily operations. They might have already moved some of their meetings to make time for your scheduled interview! So, rescheduling will mean that they will have to compromise again. While it’s not wrong to reschedule, you should still apologise and acknowledge the hassle that this will pose to your employer. 


5. Express your enthusiasm for the job 

Since they’ve already read your resume, they already have a first impression of you. Given that they’ve invited you for an interview, that impression is most likely good. In order to sustain that, reinstate your enthusiasm for the job and how you’re still excited to have a shot at acquiring the vacant position if given the opportunity. This will show the employer that even though you can’t attend the scheduled interview, you are still dedicated to going through the application process. 

(Read more: Ultimate Job Interview Tips: How to Convince Employers You’re Right for the Job


6. Suggest alternative times when you can meet

Since you are rescheduling, you should provide them with a timeline of your availability. Doing so shows that you are willing to fix this unexpected complication and make the process less inconvenient for everyone involved.

A fair warning: Double-check that you will suggest days you are 100% sure of. Rescheduling twice will not look good in your track record, and it may sour their impression of you, resulting in them moving forward with another potential candidate. 


7. Proofread your email carefully 

Don’t make them feel like you rushed your intentions to reschedule. To maintain your good image, watch out for grammatical and punctuation errors and try to consolidate everything in short paragraphs to respect the company’s time. 

Interview Rescheduling Email Templates

Family emergency 

Hello [Recruiter’s name],

I’m writing to ask if it’s possible to reschedule our interview for the business administrator position on Friday at 2 PM. While I’m excited to talk to you and learn more about the job and the company culture, I’m afraid that I have a family emergency that demands my immediate attention. 

If you’re amenable to rescheduling, I’m available all day on Monday next week and afternoons on Wednesday and Thursday. 

I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this will pose to your team. I’d also like to thank you again for considering me for this position, and I can’t wait to learn more about the company. Being a part of your team will be an honour if I ever have the opportunity. 

Thank you, 

[Your name]


Conflicting schedules 

Hello [Recruiter’s name],

I hope all is well with you. I just want to ask if it’s possible to reschedule our interview for Thursday at 3 PM. Due to conflicting schedules, I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend it since I have to renew one of my personal IDs, and the only available schedule is on that day. 

I’m free Friday afternoon and any day next week except Thursday if we can reschedule. 

I acknowledge that this might be a hassle for you and your team, and I would like to thank you for your understanding. Also, I’d like to express my gratitude for your interest in my application, and I hope I can further exhibit my qualifications to you. 

Thank you, 

[Your name]


Unexpected sickness

Hello [Recruiter’s name],

I’m emailing regarding my interview for the position of senior copywriter this coming Wednesday. Unfortunately, I’ve fallen ill and am not confident I’ll be able to just sleep it off. 

As I take my medications, I hope to recover by Friday. Perhaps we can reschedule then. I’m also available any day of the week next week except Tuesday. Please let me know what works for you. 

I apologise for this sudden rescheduling, and I hope this does not sour your impression of me. I really want to have the opportunity to work with like-minded people and make a difference in this industry. Thank you for your understanding, and please keep safe. 


[Your name]



While rescheduling an interview may seem like a bad thing to do, sometimes it really can’t be helped. Emergencies happen all the time. The professional thing to do is acknowledge your unavailability and try to fix the problem. If you remain candid with your recruiter, they will most likely understand your situation and agree to reschedule. 


If you want more tips and advice, go to our Career Resources Hub and don’t miss out on what you should know. You are also welcome to use our Career Tools to improve your experience. 

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