6 Reasons Why It Is Good To Keep an Eye on New Career Opportunities

6 Reasons Why It Is Good To Keep an Eye on New Career Opportunities
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 24 May, 2022

It’s easy to get complacent and not bother with finding new career opportunities when you’ve been at your job for a few years and things are going well. You have a great relationship with your boss and colleagues, you’re good at what you do, and things are (slowly) progressing in the right direction. If you’re like most people, you probably won’t bother updating your resume or monitoring job ads for career opportunities in your chosen profession and industry—not unless you are actively searching for a new position elsewhere. New career opportunities outside of your workplace can wait, you say.

However, keeping an eye on new career opportunities doesn’t mean you have to apply for those jobs. Keeping up to date on new opportunities in your chosen career means monitoring the job market, so that you are aware of the latest employment and industry trends. It is always good to know what is happening in the industry. Even better if you keep your skills up to date to “future-proof” your work. If nothing else, it shows your initiative in staying informed.

Here is why keeping an eye on new career opportunities is key for your growth:

 1. You want other things in your professional life

Sometimes what you are happy doing in your 20s is no longer exciting by your 40s. Maybe you want a pay rise to ensure financial stability. It could also be that after a certain amount of time in the same job, your values and priorities have changed. 

There are so many reasons why you might want to keep an eye on what is happening in the career you choose. Finding new career opportunities can help you gain the financial and personal freedom you would like to attain. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to go after your ideal job, even if it means moving elsewhere. 

(Read more: Want to Change Careers Employment Tips for the 40+ Jobseeker)

2. It keeps you on your toes

Monitoring job ads will keep you informed of any change in recruitment trends for your chosen field. The qualifications listed in the job ads are a reflection of industry developments and changes. And, it is never too late to learn something new—especially when it comes to pursuing career opportunities. Venturing a little out of your depth can make a positive impact on your career. 

Keeping up to date on changes in the industry will allow you to adapt quickly and prepare for the change rather than getting caught by surprise. Complacency breeds a false sense of security. Honing your skills can only help you further your career, whether you stay in your current position or decide to move to greener pastures. 

Pro Tip: Check out our Career Resources Hub to help you discover salaries, skills, and jobs for over 700 careers.

3. The future is unpredictable

Things might be going well at the moment, but you never know when you will be dealt a bad hand. The coronavirus pandemic has taught everyone that it is always best to prepare for the unexpected. But there are strategies that you can arrange for yourself now to ensure you do not hit a dead end in your career. 

Improving your skills is one way to make sure that you will land feet first, no matter how bleak the situation. The most popular ways to improve skills are usually through internal company training and retraining programmes or online courses. Many companies are still uncertain about investing in skills training, so online courses are usually the best way to go should you want to upgrade your skills immediately.

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4. Keeps your career on track

If you have certain career aspirations you hope to achieve in the near future, keeping an eye on job ads for those positions will be a helpful reminder to focus on developing the required skills and competencies in advance. Maybe you would like to take the plunge and try something else that would challenge you. 

Review your career goals. Figure out if your goals are still applicable to your life. This ensures that your career progression stays on track. We are often so easily distracted by our daily obligations that we tend to let things slide. 

Technological advancements are happening at an increasingly rapid pace these days. The way we work and live will continue to evolve. Consider how transformative technologies such as AI, Automation, VR, and Blockchain are gaining momentum on a daily basis. It is even more imperative now than ever that we stay relevant by familiarising ourselves with these trending technologies and their implications on our careers and way of life.

Searching for jobs is simple by using JobStreet. Find out more on our website and #LetsGetToWork!

5. Stay open to possibilities

Usually, we go for the career options that are more practical and realistic, but that does not mean you can’t go after the job you really want later down the line. Finding your passion and exploring career opportunities to get you to your life goals means you should always be on the lookout for new career opportunities and activities. 

Try doing some research on the kind of job you would love to do, and then take courses where you can grow and sharpen your skill sets in preparation for changing careers.

It doesn’t hurt to keep an open mind. Stay posted on what employers are looking for—it will motivate you to continue learning new skills and building on your knowledge and expertise. 

Also, by regularly monitoring job ads, you are effectively keeping an open door for other opportunities to come along. You might think you have found the perfect job right now, but there will always be something better out there. Besides, it is always better to have options.

If you’re new to it, here are our top five tips for analysing company reviews and using them in your next job hunt.

6. Happiness matters

Job satisfaction is important. It is not about who has the highest paying job, but about who is happy at their place of work. Plus, happiness at work means better productivity. On the other hand, unhappiness on the job front most likely means that you are unhappy in general. Why drag on in a job you are not satisfied with rather than looking for something that fits your goals and values more?

Happiness at work can create a positive impact on the other parts of your life. At the same time, no one wants to hire an unhappy employee. Commit to having a positive outlook on your current job and your future prospects. Hirers will always gravitate to those with a more cheerful demeanour.

It does not have to take much effort on your part to monitor new career opportunities. Just set a reminder to update your JobStreet profile every three months and sign up for our job alerts that you can quickly scan through. Subscribe to our newsletter for up-to-date information on your chosen career. If you see an interesting vacancy, remember to check out online company reviews to see what current and past employees are saying about the company. 

More from this category: Finding the job for you

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