The role of a photo on a resume

The role of a photo on a resume
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 26 August, 2024

It can be hard to get ahead in the job market. One thing you can do to increase your chances is to make your resume look its best. People looking for work often don't know if they should add professional headshots. On the one hand, a photo can make your application more personal and help possible employers remember you. On the other hand, it can lead to unconscious bias, which may decrease your chances for reasons that have nothing to do with your skills. So, which should you opt for?

This article will talk about the pros and cons of including a resume photo, help you make your choice, and give you advice on how to add a headshot if you decide to do so. Here are the things we're going to cover:

Why do people include a photo on their resume?

Industries and cultures may have certain rules about including a picture on a resume. Some job searchers think a professional photo will help them stand out and leave an impression on hiring managers. However, reasons could also include:

Personal branding

A professional picture can be a big part of building your brand. Putting a face to your name can make your application seem more real. This could help people connect with and remember it. A good picture can show that you're competent, sure of yourself, and friendly. This can boost your personal brand and put you ahead of other applicants.

Cultural considerations

Cultural norms and expectations can also affect your choice of whether or not to put a picture on your resume. For example, in Germany, France, and many Asian countries, it is expected to include a photo, and not doing so could even be seen as unprofessional. On the other hand, countries like the US and Canada are moving more towards hiring people without their pictures to avoid bias. This means that resume photos are less common. So, it's essential to learn about the cultural norms of the area where the job you're applying for is based. By learning about these norms, you can make sure that your application fits with local trends and doesn't have any unwanted effects.

What to consider when including your photo in your resume

If you want to include a picture on your resume, you should consider a few things to ensure the photo helps your application for the job. Think about how your resume photo fits in with cultural norms and business standards and whether there are potential risks.

Evaluate potential bias

There's a chance of unconscious bias based on appearance when you include a picture, especially in places where photos on resumes aren't common. Some things that have nothing to do with your skills may affect hiring choices. For example, your age, gender, or race can unfairly hurt your chances.

Legal and personal data considerations

To avoid discrimination, some countries have legal bans on sharing photos on resumes. It's important to be aware of these rules. In Malaysia, there are no legal restrictions on putting photos on resumes, although it is rather common for job applicants to do so. While adding a photo is not a requirement, some Malaysian companies may have a job application system that would require you to upload an image of yourself. Hiring managers and recruiters may also request for your photo. If you follow these requests, you'll have a better chance of making a good impression.

Woman on laptop

Best practices when including a professional headshot in your resume

Choosing a resume picture is not that easy. Choose the wrong one, and you could lose the job opportunity. Don't worry, though. After reading these tips, you will be able to decide what photo you are going to put on your resume.

Getting that headshot right can make a big difference, whether you're trying to be an assertive CEO or a friendly team player. Here are some best practices that will help you get the perfect shot.

Professional appearance

Choose a high-quality picture with good lighting that shows you in business attire that fits the job you want. Think clean and straightforward in a neutral setting that keeps the attention on you. Keep your resume photo simple, avoid fancy effects or unique backgrounds.

Make sure you look both friendly and professional. A small smile can show that you're sociable and sure of yourself, but don't go too far with an overly casual or dramatic look. The clothes you wear should be clean and proper for the job you want. For example, you might need to wear a suit and tie to a business meeting, but you could dress more casually for a creative job.

Consistent branding

In personal branding, it's important to be consistent. Use the same photo on resume documents and social job platforms. This makes you look more professional and makes it easier for companies to find you. It's like your personal logo – unique, easy to recognize, and always the same. You'll be more familiar-looking when the pictures on your resume and social media profiles match.

This isn't just about your picture. Make sure that your personal brand, which includes the design, language, and tone of your resume, is the same on all platforms. A standard presentation shows that you have organisational skills, pay attention to details, and care about how you look.

Regional norms

Making sure that your picture fits the standards of your target region is an art. Different cultures value different types of smiles. Some like a friendly, welcoming smile, while others want a serious, no-nonsense look. You should do some research to find out what's acceptable in the region where you're applying.

Think about how your headshot looks overall, including your facial expressions. In the US and many other Western countries, a friendly smile can make you seem warm and competent. Some Asian societies like Malaysia, though, find a softer smile more appropriate and polite. Knowing these cultural differences can show that you're aware of and value the employer's regional practices. This could give you an edge during your job hunt.

Two men in suits in a handshake


Whether to include a picture on your resume depends on several factors. For instance, consider the legal and cultural standards of the region where you're applying. It is normal in Malaysia for resumes to have photos, but they are not required. However, most companies don't need them and think they should not be used because they might be biased. If you do include a photo, make sure it was taken by a professional and fits the job application. In line with local societal norms, it should give off a polished vibe and improve your overall presentation.

Use the same photo in your online profiles and resume for consistency. A well-chosen photo for your personal brand might help hiring managers remember your application and give you an advantage in very competitive job markets. We wish you all the best in your job search.


  1. Is including a photo on a resume ever a good idea?
    It depends. In Malaysia, including a picture on a resume is common. This is especially true in jobs where personal branding and looks are important, like sales, customer service, the entertainment business, or the media. But it's important to think about both the company's rules and the standards of the business. Also, keep in mind that Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) may not accept resumes with pictures. This is why it's important to think about the pros and cons of adding a picture before you decide to do so.
  2. How can a photo on my resume help with personal branding?
    You can improve your personal brand by including a picture on your resume. This gives potential employers a visual impression of who you are. It adds personality to the application, making yours easier to remember and connect with. A good picture can show that you're professional, sure of yourself, and friendly, all of which are good for your personal brand.
  3. In which countries is including a photo on a resume expected?
    In many places, especially in Europe and Asia, hiring managers say that you should put a photo on your resume. These countries include:
    - ⁠Singapore
    - ⁠Spain
    - ⁠The Philippines
    - ⁠Italy
    - ⁠Russia
    - ⁠China
    - ⁠Japan.
    ⁠In these countries, including a professional photo on your resume is normal and often expected for job applications, but it's not a requirement. However, it's important to learn about the cultural norms and expectations of the country where you're applying since things can be different between locations and industries.
  4. How can a photo on my resume lead to unconscious bias from employers?
    Employers may form a bias against you because of a picture on your resume. This can happen in several ways, including:

    ⁠⁠A hiring manager may make quick choices about you based on your looks, such as your age, gender, race, or beauty, without considering your qualifications or relevant skills.
    ⁠Seeing a photo may trigger unconscious assumptions or stereotypes about your background, personality, or suitability for the job. This could affect the hiring choice.
    ⁠Employers may unintentionally discriminate against applicants who don't fit their preconceived ideas because of cultural norms or personal preferences about how someone looks.
  5. Should I focus on my qualifications or my appearance on my resume?
    The most important things on your resume should always be the skills, experiences, and qualifications that relate to the job you're looking for. During the hiring process, employers are mostly interested in how well you can do the job tasks.
    ⁠Adding a picture captured by a professional photographer to your application can make it more unique. Just don't let it overshadow your skills. Your resume shouldn't be about how you look, but it can show that you're well-groomed and professional.
  6. Are there any laws against including photos on resumes in certain countries?
    Yes, to stop discrimination, some countries have laws or rules that say putting photos on resumes is not allowed or should not be done. To promote fair hiring practices, for example, the United States and the United Kingdom usually say not to do it. Before putting a picture on your resume, you should always find out what the employer's location's laws and customs are.
  7. What are the key qualities of a professional headshot for my resume?
    To make a good impression on your job application, the picture on your resume should have a few specific features. It should be of high quality, with images that are clear, well-lit, and free of pixels or blurriness. If you want to work in a certain business, your clothes should be appropriate to that field, with no patterns or accessories that draw attention away from your work. Choose a bland background without distractions so that the attention stays on you.

    ⁠With a warm smile and good stance, your face and body should show that you're sure of yourself and easy to talk to. If you want to build your personal brand, use the same headshot on all your business profiles.

More from this category: Resumes

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