What Makes A Good Software Engineer 5 Key Areas To Improve On

What Makes A Good Software Engineer 5 Key Areas To Improve On
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 29 November, 2021

There is no question that software engineers are one of the most in-demand professionals today. Ultimately, businesses and individuals are becoming increasingly dependent on technology. People now use applications in almost every aspect of their lives; and, software engineers play a key role in developing these. Now, you might be wondering: What exactly makes a good software engineer?

Software engineering is highly lucrative. Thus, many jobseekers compete for a role in the industry. If you want to become a successful software engineer, you have to stay on your toes. Every now and then, assess if your skill set still matches the demand of the market. Think about what areas you can develop to stand out from the competition.

The importance of improving your software engineering skills

In every profession, continuous learning is important for personal development and career advancement. Employers today are no longer looking for the skills of last year. Both new and experienced professionals must continue developing their skills. In other words, a hunger for learning will always be beneficial — regardless of your job level.

It is crucial for software engineers to always be on top of the latest technology. After all, they need to adopt the latest skills available. By learning and increasing your skill sets, you will increase your worth as a software engineer. Eventually, you will even add to your company's overall value.

How do you determine which skills need improvement?

In any technological profession, computer knowledge is highly in demand. But, this alone is not enough. It is a common misconception that what makes a good software engineer purely depends on technical skills. You might be surprised to know that non-technical skills such as interpersonal skills and communication skills also play a major role in the software engineering profession.

Determining what skills to improve on usually depends on your specialisation. Some centre more on technical skills, others spotlight transferable skills. For example, mobile and web software engineers focus on their product’s user experience, which requires technical knowledge for designing. On the other hand, security software engineers need critical thinking to fix security flaws in a system.

Understand the purpose of your job as a software engineer. Then, you will more easily identify which skills you need to adapt and improve. With this in mind, here are a couple more points on what makes a good software engineer.

Ways to improve your software engineering skills

1. Practice intellectual humility

If there is one skill that will take you far as a software engineer, it is learning how to ask the right questions. No matter how experienced you are at what you do, you will not always know everything. You might miss a buggy code at first glance that others might catch. A little bit of constructive criticism will help you improve the quality of your work.

This is why humility is such an important quality for software engineers to have. Taking criticism and corrections and then channelling them for improvement will make you a much better software engineer in the long run.

Asking for help shows that you value others opinions and expertise. There is no shortage of opportunities for growth and improvement in any industry, much more in software engineering. You can further your learning by joining webinars or taking up an online course. The Board Of Engineers Malaysia offers industry news and helpful resources to keep you updated with the latest trends.

2. Leverage on your 'tool box'

Technology is advancing at an incredible rate. It is essential for software engineers to stay adaptable and embrace change. Picking up and choosing the best tools from your developer toolbox will help propel your career forward.

Successful software engineers have many tools to mix together to provide solutions to their customers. They know a little bit of everything. In software development, this is also known as having “full-stack knowledge.” Full-stack developers typically have vast expertise and diverse skill sets in handling multiple responsibilities in both software development and code building.

Learn a variety of languages and frameworks to increase your versatility as a software engineer. Being thoroughly well-versed in the tools used by most software engineers will surely help you advance in your profession.

3. Focus on the big picture

A great software engineer does not simply complete tasks assigned to them. Instead, they consider the larger impact of what they are creating as a whole. What makes a good software engineer is a balancing act between being a problem solver and an innovator.

You need a big-picture vision to understand why the company is building the product in the first place. Great software engineers understand broadly how the company works at a business level and can speak to the value of technology in business terms. Focusing on the bigger picture is more than being detail-oriented. While details make up the big picture, looking at something before it becomes a problem or turning it into opportunities is a real plus in being a good software engineer.

4. Hone your craft

Successful software engineers are much like artists. Writing code is not just a task they do to earn money. They take pride in their work — even treating it as a form of art. Managing your profession as your craft shows your passion and eagerness to succeed in the role.

Going the extra mile to ensure your work is of high quality will improve your work ethic and the products you develop. Many experienced software engineers frequent hackathons to try new languages or develop their programming grasp using different algorithms or data structures.

Practising your craft would also open up opportunities, as it would help you become more aware of the need for your profession. For example, attending relevant seminars may alert you of the growing demand for secure software development skills. Through the years, there has been an increase in cyberattacks; more companies and individuals are in need of security software engineers. With this knowledge, you might want to focus on practising your secure software development skills.

5. Pursue your passion with a purpose

Years of experience and technical skills are only half of what makes a good software engineer. Successful software engineers also possess behavioural characteristics and mindsets that set them apart from the competition.

Employers nowadays stress the importance of a curious mind when evaluating potential candidates for a software engineer position. Jobseekers with analytical skills, curiosity, and a passion for learning tend to have an edge among others. Since software engineers constantly have to stay on top of the latest technologies, eagerness to learn is vital for sustaining a career in this profession.

Find a problem that makes you think and make a side-project out of it. Remember when Twitter was just a side project for a company hackathon? Challenging yourself with little tasks can help you practise your coding skills. Who knows? You might even end up developing products that would eventually put you on the map in the IT industry.

Finding Software Engineering #JobsThatMatter

To sum up, what makes a good software engineer is not merely writing code. Rather, it is taking basic programming skills and partnering them with a passionate mindset to build exciting products. Being in the industry of software engineering provides you with a chance to do something intellectually satisfying while also helping people make their lives easier.

Looking for more opportunities to improve your skills? Check out our guide to a successful software engineer career path.

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