What are conflict resolution skills?

What are conflict resolution skills?
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 25 July, 2024

Conflict resolution skills are essential for creating a peaceful and cooperative workplace. These skills are crucial for professional growth. They help people work together and agree on solutions. Knowing how to manage conflicts well can help you deal with many different issues at work. This gives rise to a more productive and positive atmosphere.

The different types of conflicts include interpersonal, intragroup, or intergroup problems. Interpersonal conflicts are disagreements between two coworkers who do not get along. Intragroup conflicts are problems within a team. Conflicts arise when team members have different ideas on how to complete a project. Intergroup conflicts are issues between different teams or departments with conflicting goals.

In this guide, we will explain what conflict resolution means. We will also talk about what causes conflicts at work and how you can respond to them. Finally, we will look at specific conflict resolution skills for a harmonious workplace.


What is a conflict? 

Conflict is a difference of opinion caused by opposing interests, ideas, personalities, or beliefs. These conflicts can manifest as a lack of cooperation, tension between the parties involved, or even project failure.

Different forms of conflict in a work setting include:

  • Personality clashes: These occur when individuals with different temperaments or work styles struggle to get along.
  • Differing viewpoints: When employees have different ideas or perspectives on how to approach a task or solve a problem.
  • Role ambiguity: Role ambiguity causes clashes when employees are unsure about their responsibilities. Unclear or unrealistic job expectations can also give rise to these conflicts.
  • Resource scarcity: The availability of limited resources can make individuals or teams compete to access them.
  • Communication Issues: Misunderstandings or poor communication can lead to conflicts and disagreements.

Understanding these different forms of conflict can help identify and address issues before they escalate. This is crucial to ensuring a more harmonious and productive workplace. When conflicts are managed well, they can lead to better understanding and innovative solutions.

Causes of conflict in a working relationship 

Here are some reasons for conflicts in the workplace:

Communication issues

Misunderstandings, unclear expectations, and a lack of transparency often lead to conflicts at work. These problems can hurt performance and morale. Poor communication styles can also create tension and hinder teamwork.

Differing personalities

Differing personalities can cause workplace conflicts. Clashes often happen due to incompatible working styles or approaches. Differences in background, values, or culture can also lead to tension. Such issues can lead to stress, decreased productivity, and a poor work environment.

Competing priorities

Teams often have goals and objectives to achieve that may not always align with those of other teams in the organisation. Teams may compete for managerial attention, recognition, time, or resources. Conflicting deadlines, goals, or priorities among team members can create competition and resentment. This competition often leads to confusion, stress, and low morale.

Lack of resources

Conflicts often arise due to limited resources like budget, equipment, or time. High demand from several teams can lead to competition and conflict. Colleagues may feel they are competing for these scarce resources. This scarcity can cause tension and disputes and affect overall performance.

Unrealistic expectations

Unrealistic expectations in the workplace often lead to conflict among employees. For example, having too much work or unrealistic deadlines can cause stress and overwhelm. This workload imbalance may also lead to resentment and conflict with managers.

Office politics

Internal competition, power struggles, or favouritism often create tension and conflict in teams or departments. Workplace politics can lead to manipulation, gossip, and mistrust among employees. This toxic environmentreduces engagement and job satisfaction, affecting overall productivity.

Work–life balance issues

When work disrupts personal life, it can cause resentment and conflict. Heavy workloads or constant interruptions lead to stress and burnout. This reduces productivity and affects overall well-being. Employees may feel their responsibilities are not respected. This sense of injustice can create tension and conflict within the team.


External stressors, like personal problems or a high-pressure work environment, can lead to conflict. Stress can hinder rational thinking and affect behaviour. It can cause irritability and make you lash out at colleagues. This can harm communication and lead to misunderstandings. High stress levels can also reduce job performance and increase the likelihood of conflicts.

How do you respond to conflict? 

How you respond to workplace conflict can impact your relationships on a professional and personal level. Here are some conflict resolution techniques and tips for managing workplace disagreements:

Healthy ways of resolving conflict

To manage conflict, try:

  • Addressing the disagreement early on to prevent escalation
  • Maintaining clear and respectful communication with the other person
  • Focusing on understanding the other person's point without interrupting them
  • Taking ownership of your feelings and concerns
  • Seeking solutions that benefit all the parties
  • Being open to finding common ground
  • Keeping your emotions in check. Avoid talking negatively about others in the conflict

Unhealthy ways of managing and resolving conflict

To resolve a conflict, avoid:

  • Ignoring the conflict, as this may worsen it
  • Shifting blame onto others, which leads to defensiveness
  • Showing passive-aggressiveness, causing unnecessary hostility
  • Losing control of emotions, which escalates the situation
  • Addressing the conflict in front of others, which is disrespectful
  • Dwelling on past conflicts, hindering resolution
  • Spreading negativity, poisoning the work environment

Conflict resolution skills you can use at work 

Man and woman talking to each other

Here are some skills you can develop to manage and resolve conflict at work:

Focus on solutions instead of blaming others

It is essential to focus on the issue and solution during a conflict. Ask open-ended questions to identify root causes and seek feedback. You should also reflect on your actions, negotiate, and take responsibility for your part in the conflict rather than blame others. Practice empathy to understand your colleague's opinions and prevent similar situations.

Use "yes, and" statements

Start by acknowledging your colleague's point of view with a simple "yes." Follow with "and" to build upon ideas and acknowledge their perspective while voicing your ideas. This technique can encourage affirmation and collaboration without hurting your agenda. Using "yes, and" statements can promote open communication.

Actively listen to the person who is explaining themselves

Adopt a curious and positive attitude during a conflict. Pay attention to what the person says and their body language and tone. Avoid distractions, make eye contact, and show genuine interest. You can also repeat or rephrase what they say to confirm your understanding.

Maintain a calm tone

First, control your emotions by taking deep, rhythmic breaths. Then, you can respectfully express your feelings and concerns using "I" statements. For instance, "I do not like it when ..." Speaking at a moderate pace and maintaining a professional tone can help, too.

Show willingness to compromise or collaborate

Approach the situation with an open mind to look for areas of agreement and shared goals. Be assertive and cooperative in negotiating a solution. Show a willingness to adjust your initial position to find a mutually beneficial solution. You may need to find a middle ground by compromising on certain aspects of the conflicting issues.

Don't talk behind people's backs

Instead of confrontation, use respectful language to avoid accusatory or condescending tones. Maintain confidentiality and address the issues directly with your colleague. Airing your grievances in front of other employees will likely aggravate the situation further.

Don't take things too personally

Start by identifying the source of conflict and the situations or behaviours that trigger you. Focus on the issue at hand and control your response to the situation. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to help you develop your emotional intelligence.

Prioritise resolving the conflict over being right

Prioritising conflict resolution over being right means valuing a positive outcome more than your perspective. Address the current conflict and avoid bringing up irrelevant past issues. Aim for common ground to find collaborative solutions.


Business group in conversation

Conflict resolution skills are essential for professional development and a harmonious workplace. They help maintain healthy professional relationships and a positive organisational culture. These skills can enhance collaboration, productivity, and personal and professional growth.

In a conflict, direct your efforts towards finding common ground. Work towards a solution that is mutually beneficial for all the involved parties. To do this, practice active listening and empathy. Be respectful, and remain calm and composed throughout the discussion. Avoid gossiping, name-calling, or being disrespectful.

Remember that your aim is not to blame and fault others but to collaborate and find a solution. After resolving a conflict, do not hold a grudge or bring the issue up in future discussions.


Here are some frequently asked questions you can refer to:

  1. What are the different types of conflict that can arise in a workplace setting?
    Various conflicts can arise in a workplace setting, including:
    Personality clashes: These occur when individuals with different temperaments or work styles struggle to get along.
    Differing viewpoints: When employees have different ideas or perspectives on how to approach a task or solve a problem.
    Role ambiguity: Role ambiguity causes clashes when employees are unsure about their responsibilities. Unclear or unrealistic job expectations can also give rise to these conflicts.
    Resource scarcity: The availability of limited resources can make individuals or teams compete to access them.
    Communication issues: Misunderstandings or poor communication can lead to conflicts and disagreements.
  2. How can I identify the root cause of a conflict with a colleague?Here are some methods to help you identify the root cause of a conflict with a co-worker:
    Understand the nature of the conflict: Conflicts can be due to miscommunication, misunderstanding, or mismatched personalities. Understanding this can help you resolve disputes promptly.
    Assess the seriousness: Understanding the severity of the situation can help you find common ground and a resolution.
    Encourage open dialogue: Open communication and active listening can help both parties feel understood and comfortable expressing concerns.
    Refer to company policies: The company's employee handbook should outline standards for behaviour and disciplinary steps to take if necessary.
  3. What are some effective communication strategies for resolving conflict?Here are some communication strategies to resolve conflict in your workplace:
    Have a positive conversation: Positive interactions can decrease defensiveness and reduce workplace conflict. It is also important to listen actively by giving the speaker your full attention and not making judgements.
    Choose the right time and place: Timing and environment play important roles in conflict resolution. Select a neutral and private place to share your thoughts and opinions comfortably.
    Respect personal differences: Recognise that everyone has unique experiences and values. A person's personality shapes their perspective. Understanding and respecting these differences can help with handling conflict.
  4. How can I manage my emotions during a heated discussion?Here is how you can tackle negative emotions when discussing a conflict:
    Pause and observe: Recognise your emotions and take slow, deep breaths. This technique can dissipate your anger and help you think clearly.
    Take a break: End the conversation and find another time to continue it. Doing so can give you time to identify and understand your emotions.
    Focus on the issue: Understanding the issue can help you focus on it and avoid misunderstandings or differences in opinions, actions, or behaviours.
  5. Is it always best to compromise in a conflicting situation?Finding a middle ground through compromise can be beneficial in some situations. This resolution works best when both parties have equal negotiating power. A compromise can help both parties achieve a mutually acceptable solution. This outcome can help maintain working relationships, reduce tension, and expedite resolution. But a compromise might not be ideal if it goes against your core values or affects your professional or personal goals.
  6. What should I do if a colleague is gossiping or badmouthing me?Here are some ways you can handle gossip at work:
    Set boundaries: Setting boundaries can help you be assertive and stay calm. Politely explain your concerns to set firm boundaries with a colleague.
    Confront the colleague: If the gossip continues, talk privately with the colleague to express your concerns.
    Refuse to indulge in gossip or badmouthing in return: Avoid spreading rumours or gossiping, and limit casual conversation with colleagues.
    Seek support: You could bring the issue to a manager if the gossip doesn't stop or negatively impacts you.
  7. How can I build trust and rapport with someone I have had a conflict with in the past?Using your interpersonal skills to approach the situation with open communication and empathy is essential. Below are some conflict resolution methods to build trust after a past disagreement or dispute:
    Communicate respectfully: Treat your colleague with respect after resolving the conflict. For example, you could change the discussion to lighter topics.
    Acknowledge emotions: Make room for the person's feelings and concerns while articulating your opinions.
    Find common ground: You can seek areas of agreement, interests, or mutual benefits to reduce your differences and build rapport.
  8. What resources are available to help me improve my conflict resolution skills?Here are some resources you can use to improve your conflict resolution skills:
    Professional Development Training (PDT): PDT offers a conflict resolution training course to develop strategies for recognising, resolving, and preventing conflict.
    Walden University's School of Lifelong Learning: This organisation offers a variety of courses to help you improve your conflict management skills.
    Conflict Resolution Network: This website offers resources, including an online certificate course, free materials, and extra paid resources to learn and reinforce conflict resolution skills.
    Malaysian Institute of Management: This institution offers short courses on effective communication and negotiation in the workplace.

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