You have made it here because you, too, are looking for answers to this query: Why choose an IT career? Whether you are fresh out of university or in the middle of a job-hunting career cycle, any jobseeker looking to fortify their future should highly consider building a career in IT.
The information technology industry has been considered fool-proof, as it is one of the sectors that can continually develop and keep up with the times. This is true on a global scale as it is in the local scene: In Malaysia, IT and computer-related jobs have even been considered among the top eight most in-demand specialisations.
This demand is brought about by the diversity of roles and responsibilities in this field. From a broad perspective, IT professionals are tasked to construct and maintain an organisation’s digital infrastructures and other related assets involving computers and technologies.
IT professionals also ensure that the company is up-to-date when it comes to technological advances and that all processes are secure and user-friendly for all employees. They are also knowledgeable in systems analysis, programming, and web development.
But it does not end there, as these tasks barely scratch the surface. The message is clear: There is space for you here. And there are numerous ways to help you get started and learn more about a career in IT.
If you need some more prodding to strengthen your decision to build an exciting career in this fast-growing industry, Jobstreet enumerates specific reasons to reel you in. Choosing a career path is no easy task, especially because it can determine your future and the other important aspects of your life.
Consider these points when making that crucial decision. Hopefully, you can say YES to a career in IT and make it one of your best life decisions yet.
There is no denying that tech companies are growing quicker by the day to keep up with the evolving digital age and to provide proper services to a broad market. This is where you come in: Tech companies need you.
A lot of these companies are looking for IT candidates to fill the gap, whether that was created through organisation movements or the role was newly created. The demand is high and, unfortunately, there have been observations of not enough job applications to meet those labour needs.
The pandemic has affected this demand just as much. More companies have been pivoting to more digital assets, e-commerce businesses have been booming, and remote online work is being sought after. What do all these mean for you? More job opportunities!
High demand, low supply. This also means that there are not enough qualified workers to meet the demand. The more specialised your skill set is, the higher the chances of being employed swiftly–and with more benefits to boot. But that does not mean those without prior experience won’t get their own chance, because those without a college degree have been offered employment as long as they have gone through the proper certification.
When one thinks of an IT job, the roles of a programmer or web developer easily come to mind. But there are so many more options to cater to diverse skills and experiences. There are many jobs open to almost anyone in this industry: At least 20 different types can be explored, ranging from quality assurance tester to user experience designer to data scientist to web administrator.
This proves that the industry is not secluded. On the contrary, it is very welcoming to those who may have started their careers elsewhere. Many roles overlap with other sectors, paving the way for more people to jump and consider moving to an IT career path.
IT companies also cater to a plethora of business and societal needs. Someone with political, healthcare, or food security experience will easily find their place in this industry. And as the industry continues to innovate, more fields will sprout up and offer opportunities for even more roles.
A boring and monotonous career path? You won’t find that here.
Evolution is the name of the game, and it doesn’t only apply to technology but also to every IT professional. To stay in court, you have to keep up and innovate: take up new skills, expand knowledge, and pursue mastery of tasks.
The result? A career that can progress quicker and easier than its contemporaries. An entry-level employee can spring into a managerial post in just a few years. Don’t be surprised to find the same IT professional being offered a senior role and poached by other companies.
A lot of innovation happens within the IT industry and the same positively affects IT professionals. The assignment is clear: Gain as much experience as early as you can to progress your career just as quickly.
A attractive compensation package awaits anyone entering the IT sector. The salary alone can be a good enough reason to consider a career in IT. Of course, it will still depend on the specific industry, your position level, experiences, skill set, and location, but a handsome salary is almost always part of the deal.
The expertise that you bring to the table is considered unique–an invaluable asset to the company–so you should expect to be rewarded with good pay. Just how good can the pay be? Expect it to be higher than average even for entry-level posts.
Money shouldn’t be the only reason for taking on a career path, but no one can deny its importance when considering financial stability. Does this mean a happier and more fulfilling life? Possibly! But this motivation does not only come from better finances as an IT career can also offer other advantageous benefits. For starters, you get to hone your creativity, you get to work with brilliant minds, and you get to be a “hero” not only in the company but also within your circle.
How’s that for a life-changing career?
Remote work is not only a trend because of the pandemic, but it is also an offshoot of technological advances in the workplace. Who else can fully adapt to digital workplaces? Who else can properly incorporate hybrid working styles in their organisational systems? IT companies are often at the forefront of this movement, offering more chances of working remotely to their employees.
This flexibility is beneficial to employees looking for the perfect work-life balance. The same opens opportunities for jobseekers who would prefer a contractual setup or freelancers who do not want to be tied down to conventional arrangements.
With an IT job, you can establish your office anywhere. You can even be constantly on the go and continue to excel and grow in your role.
Convinced enough? Maybe a final nudge can come from someone who already built an IT career at a multinational. Hear it from Cyrene Kong, now the Head of Digital Strategy & Innovation at RHB Banking Group. Her story of breaking barriers may just be the last push that will urge you to also become an IT professional.
While you’re already on the Jobstreet website, create your profile to help you navigate through your chosen career path. There, you can simply key in “IT” in the search box and thousands of related jobs will come up and be available for you to start applying to. Don’t forget to update your CV and Jobstreet profile to reflect your IT-related skills, training, and experiences.
Why choose an IT career? Because it promises security, stability, and growth in an ever-changing, complex world. Learning that the sector welcomes diversity and promotes flexibility should also urge you to consider this career path. And if you want constant challenges in your daily tasks, then this may just be right up your alley.
Choosing a career path is both exciting and nerve-racking. It can be stressful and anxiety-inducing at times. But work around your emotions and stick to a decision that speaks to you. #LetsGetToWork and get a head start on a job application. Take advantage of Jobstreet and its many offerings, like those on the Career Tools page, to keep you motivated.