Audit Associate
Assess a company's financial records to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.
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On this page
- What's it like to be an Audit Associate?
- Latest Audit Associate jobs
- Top skills and experience for Audit Associates
- Audit Associate role reviews
What's it like to be an Audit Associate?
An Audit Associate typically works within an accounting or financial firm, often assessing that an organisation is complying with their financial obligations, and looking for potential improvements by analysing data. Their common responsibilities include reviewing financial records and reports, assessing risk, recommending possible changes, and testing internal control systems for effectiveness. Working closely with an audit team, this role can provide valuable consultation to clients from various industries and sectors.
Tasks and duties
- Examining an organisation's financial statements for legality, accuracy and compliance with rules and regulations.
- Identifying deficiencies in financial systems and creating a plan to mitigate risks.
- Analysing financial data to uncover discrepancies, fraud or mismanagement.
- Completing standard audit paperwork and documentation processes.
- Assisting in the planning, designing and implementing of varying audit projects.
- Communicating audit results to management and regulatory compliance groups.
- Continuously learning about auditing procedures, recent financial laws and industry regulations.
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Audit Associate employers on Jobstreet are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Accounting
Financial Statements
Tax Computation
Professional Accounting Qualification
Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards
Audit Express Software
Financial Reporting
Communication Skills
Internal Controls
Financial Due Diligence
Team Work
Computer Literacy
Financial Data
Microsoft Office
Tax Compliance
Analytical Thinking
Willingness to Learn
Source: Jobstreet job ads and Jobstreet Profile data
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Latest Audit Associate reviews
4.0Nov 2022
Audit profession is really tough but worth it to experience
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Accounting
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
The good thingsGain more exposure on whole set on accounting and finance sector. Get a chance to advance our communication skill and help the client on managing their financial issues/problem
The challengesDifficult to have work life balance especially on peak period as we need to meet deadline. May face difficulties when handle last minute audit or delay audit work progress. Besides need to be updated ...
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Source: Jobstreet role reviews
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