Personal Assistant
Provide administrative and secretarial support to senior staff or private employers.
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On this page
- What's it like to be a Personal Assistant?
- How to become a Personal Assistant
- Latest Personal Assistant jobs
- Top skills and experience for Personal Assistants
- Personal Assistant role reviews
What's it like to be a Personal Assistant?
Personal Assistants help business executives, managers and private employers manage their day-to-day activities. This means handling schedules, reservations, correspondence, staffing, travel arrangements, note-taking, research and project management, among other tasks. For Personal Assistants who manage households, tasks can include scheduling home and car maintenance, carrying out errands and planning events.Tasks and duties
- Sorting emails and messages.
- Screening calls.
- Prioritising tasks.
- Scheduling and making arrangements for meetings, appointments or travel.
- Liaising with clients, managers or suppliers on behalf of an employer.
- Attending meetings and taking notes.
- Maintaining records and files.
- Running errands.
How to become a Personal Assistant
You can become a Personal Assistant without a formal qualification, however employers generally prefer candidates with a high school diploma or college degree and relevant training in office administration or secretarial work.
- 1.Complete secondary education.
- 2.Consider completing a bachelor degree in business administration.
- 3.Gain experience as an office assistant, secretary or junior officer.
Compare your salary
Find out how your salary compares with the average salary for Personal Assistants.Latest Personal Assistant jobs on Jobstreet
Be one of the first to discover these recently listed jobs, or browse all Personal Assistant jobs on Jobstreet right now.Did you find this helpful?
Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Personal Assistant employers on Jobstreet are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Travel Coordination
Secretarial Practice
Administrative Support
Filing System
Minute Taking
Microsoft Office
Time Management
Appointment Setting
Communication Skills
Drafting Correspondence
Report Preparation
Calendar Management
Correspondence Management
Office Management
Source: Jobstreet job ads and Jobstreet Profile data
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Latest Personal Assistant reviews
1.0Nov 2022
Need to be mindful and positive thinking
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Arts
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationAdministration & Office Support
The good thingsLearn to be flexible and accept add hoc challenges
The challengesGuidance on some specific knowledge and to search for more information
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2.0Nov 2022
It's suitable for people who seeking for comfortable, easy and admin jobs.
ExperienceLess than a year
Organisation sizeSmall (1-19 employees)
The good thingsDoing the same things all the time, feel easy and comfort.
The challengesFinding the right supplier or house agent.
Read more
Source: Jobstreet role reviews
Jobstreet has not verified the truth or accuracy of these comments and does not adopt or endorse any of the comments posted on this page.Jobstreet collects and posts the comments for what they are worth and for information purposes only to assist candidates to find employment through