Help clients identify and cope with mental and emotional challenges.
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On this page
- What's it like to be a Counsellor?
- How to become a Counsellor
- Latest Counsellor jobs
- Top skills and experience for Counsellors
- Counsellor role reviews
What's it like to be a Counsellor?
Counsellors may work in the healthcare and education sectors, helping couples, family members, students, and other individuals by actively listening to their problems. Counsellors help clients process their emotions and guide them in overcoming difficulties. Counsellors can also be found in rehabilitation centres, coaching those recovering from addictions and substance abuse. In a school environment, counsellors may provide high school and college students with career advice and emotional support.Tasks and duties
- Examining client needs and customising plans for treatment.
- Making clients feel valued and cared for.
- Helping clients set personal goals.
- Connecting clients to social and medical centres and other external organisations that will help them achieve better emotional and mental health.
- Recording important points during sessions with clients, and writing detailed reports.
- Closely monitoring client progress and amending treatment plans if necessary.
- Regularly checking up on clients to ensure their welfare.
How to become a Counsellor
To become a registered Counsellor, you need a bachelor degree and practical experience.
- 1.Complete a bachelor degree in counselling, which covers counselling and psychotherapy theories, sociology, and social psychology. This usually takes four years to finish.
- 2.Apply to be a registered Counsellor through the Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia. To be registered, you need to schedule an interview, which will test your skills and knowledge on counselling, therapy theories and applications.
- 3.Consider completing a certification in counselling. Aside from deepening your knowledge, certificate courses can also teach you new developments and practices in the counselling world.
- 4.Gain experience in an entry-level job. At first, your duties may be limited to administrative tasks, but with more work experience, you will be eventually assigned client-facing duties.
- 5.Consider completing a masters degree in counselling to unlock more career opportunities. Besides progressing to senior counsellor, counsellor supervisor or trainer, you may also take on management and consultancy positions.
Compare your salary
Find out how your salary compares with the average salary for Counsellors.Latest Counsellor jobs on Jobstreet
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Counsellor employers on Jobstreet are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Counselling
Mental Health
Education Industry
Counselling Services
Student Recruitment
Stress Management
Communication Skills
Travel Industry
Crisis Intervention
Booking Systems
Hospitality Management
Rapport Building
Source: Jobstreet job ads and Jobstreet Profile data
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Latest Counsellor reviews
5.0Nov 2022
I love my job!
Reviewer's QualificationMaster of Counselling
Experience1 – 4 years
Organisation sizeLarge (200+ employees)
SpecialisationHealthcare & Medical
The good thingsI love to see my clients are able to work through their own issues/personal problems through my counselling/consultation services to the staffs here at my company. IT's a rather rewarding experience f...
The challengesChallenges
Not every client that comes to you agrees with your approach. Some can be challenging & difficult and that's okay, we learn to use other various approaches instead.
Personally, the most cha...
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Source: Jobstreet role reviews
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