Quality Manager
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- Quality Manager role reviews
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Skills and experience employers are looking for
Having the right skills and experience can make you an in-demand applicant. Quality Manager employers on Jobstreet are looking for job seekers with expertise in the following areas. Quality Management System
Quality Control
ISO 9001
Statistical Process Control
Quality Improvement
Quality Engineering
Quality Tools
Complaint Handling
Root Cause Analysis
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
Six Sigma
8D Problem Solving Model
Control Plan
IATF 16949
Technical Publications
Quality Audit
Internal Audit
Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
Zero Defect
Regulatory Compliance
Source: Jobstreet job ads and Jobstreet Profile data
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Latest Quality Manager reviews
3.0Jun 2023
Reviewer's QualificationBachelor of Food Science
Experience5 – 9 years
Organisation sizeMedium (20-199 employees)
SpecialisationManufacturing, Transport & Logistics
The good thingsIf you are passionate about ensuring safe food being produced to the community then this will be perfect job for you. Imagine when you have witness the new item new product being launch and you know i...
The challengesOften food industry always doesn’t pay as well as other industry. Often people think food is low cost item.
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5.0Nov 2022
Reviewer's QualificationDiploma of Management
Experience10+ years
Organisation sizeSmall (1-19 employees)
SpecialisationCEO & General Management
The good thingsQuality Assurance Manger
Rewarding career ,Lots of exposure ,knowledge of overall company functions ,keeps you going on and on
upgrading your skills and knowledge is enever ending.
The challengesI have to think outside the box to solve any type of problems like human related ,technology related/
technical issues and i usually manage to solve it .It takes lots of patience,educate and train oth...
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Source: Jobstreet role reviews
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